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Count cyymmdd# 35 a9007161 25 a9008301 17 a9009091 15 b0202261 14 a9007071 13 a9009081 12 a9012182 12 a9011261 11 a9801111 11 a9507261 10 b0304162 10 a9009292 10 a8805242 10 a9606061 9 b0310142 9 b0006291 9 a9605141 8 a9601291 8 a7806272 8 b0404014 8 b0304131 8 a8806061 8 b0203281 8 b0310302 8 a7803162 8 b0205203 8 a9606172 8 a9711101 8 b0402091 8 b0401202 8 b0204061 7 a8705061 7 b0206251 7 a8911281 7 b0401244 7 b0204181 7 a9402221 7 a9610151 7 b0402041 7 b0405032 7 a7709051 7 a9412191 7 b0306011 7 a9712271 7 a9405291 7 b0404152 6 a9003222 6 a9304147 6 b0407164 6 a9211191 6 a9304171 6 b0308171 6 a9506152 6 b0403081 6 a8506052 6 b0403182 6 a9312172 6 b0404141 6 a9403171 6 a9501221 6 a8603061 6 b0405061 6 a9306092 6 a9705081 6 a9410051 6 a9004231 6 a8604091 6 a9005302 6 b0308242 5 a7803141 5 b0405261 5 a8810252 5 a9105261 5 a8412241 5 a8904141 5 b0009062 5 a9512031 5 a7711241 5 a9005241 5 a9506061 5 b0404232 5 a9501141 5 a9807301 5 a9007172 5 a9907013 5 a9501021 5 a8507201 5 a9002101 5 b0407142 5 b0202081 5 a8104033 5 b0203261 5 a9011171 5 a9911093 5 a9406081 5 a9801131 5 a9701131 5 a9911022 5 b0404271 5 a8911171 5 a7901181 5 a7902231 5 a8103021 5 a8509291 5 a9301211 5 b0310301 5 a9909171 5 a9111051 5 a9801301 5 a9901231 5 a9511012 5 a9009293 5 a9002121 5 b0403281 5 a9108241 5 b0402121 5 a9211241 5 a9408241 4 a9708151 4 a9209072 4 b0208304 4 a7911081 4 a9704091 4 a9508111 4 a9701282 4 a9105061 4 b0404221 4 a7805011 4 b0006121 4 b0401151 4 a9210231 4 a9101071 4 a8901261 4 a9805111 4 a9009021 4 b0202271 4 a8605191 4 a9112221 4 a9012221 4 a7902032 4 b0305211 4 b0406302 4 b0307071 4 b0208121 4 a9902072 4 b0203171 4 a9804241 4 a9809262 4 a7707141 4 b0306132 4 a9711161 4 a9908072 4 b0112201 4 a9705161 4 a9812252 4 a9905233 4 b0201151 4 a8811191 4 a9210051 4 b0406301 4 b0002231 4 a9808171 4 a9210271 4 a9404191 4 b0107221 4 b0405131 4 a7901261 4 b0301151 4 a9903261 4 a9008081 4 b0403262 4 a9712303 4 b0404161 4 a9007284 4 a9606062 4 a9412071 4 b0309251 4 b0401071 4 b0309221 4 a9406291 4 b0101081 4 a7803101 4 b0404211 4 a8805272 4 b0209121 4 a8101012 4 a9207201 4 a9306121 4 a9112254 4 b0401101 4 a8109301 4 a9001071 4 a7708011 4 a9805191 4 a8804271 4 a9706241 4 b0301301 4 b0310122 4 b0305143 4 a9412302 4 a9812101 4 a9709033 4 a8809191 4 a9404143 4 a8809161 4 a9210091 4 b0111271 4 b0210102 4 b0302061 4 a9511232 4 a9709131 4 a9001302 4 b0404013 4 a9302122 4 b0401221 4 b0303181 4 a9007241 4 a7609071 4 b0310291 4 b0209271 4 a8704031 4 b0301091 4 b0310073 4 a9412301
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