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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %LIVE BEING WITHIN SCIENTIFIC PARADIGM COLLUSION 890126 To live constantly with one's whole being within any particular human paradigm is to be a participant in a collusion. If one can not transcend the paradigm and openly and honestly discuss the elements of the paradigm, one is imprisoned in its realities, beliefs, assumptions, convictions, and habits of heart and mind. To temporarily live outside a paradigm does not necessarily entail a repudiation of the paradigm as a whole. Not all healthy living is appropriate within a particular paradigm. Some integrative living is not appropriate within certain paradigms, but yet is appropriate integrative living. Paradigms which constrain integrative living are disintegrative paradigms, and need to be transcended. Living outside such paradigms in transcendent ways need not repudiate the paradigm as a whole; even though such transcendent living will of necessity repudiate exclusive pretensions of collusive participants in the paradigms. To participants in exclusive paradigms such pretensions appear to be unquestionable truths and realities. To be effective science teachers professors and students need to transcend the pretensions of scientists' paradigms. The pretensions of scientists' paradigms tend to constrain integrative living and undermine the educement which is the essence of education. Collusive pretensions inhibit open and honest dialogue regarding disintegrative values and ideals. Technocratic pretensions of scientists inhibit open and honest education. To be helpful, science educators and professors must learn how to live integratively outside the pretentious paradigms of the scientific community. Such transcendent living need not repudiate the whole of scientists' paradigms; even though such living will of necessity challenge the exclusive pretensions of scientists' collusive paradigms. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================