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=====> Clickable Essay Hyper-Links appear below with names of the form: @yymmdd#. @ = "a" means 1900's. @ = "b" means 2000s. "yymmdd" are two-digits for year, month and date. "#" is a diget for the ordinal number of an essay on a given date. <== On-LEFT: Barely-visited-essays <=== ===> Frequently-visited-essays On RIGHT ==> Numbers before Hyper-Links suggest how frequently each essay may have been visited. Reliable data about frequency of visits is not yet available; is now being gathered!

> Visitors will in effect be voting for which essays merit more attention by others. A report of visits/votes after May 27, 2007 will later become available here. Click on again08.htm" for a different style of report. Earliest included-essays are at the TOP. Latest included-essays are at BOTTOM. Essays listed here may have been reached via search engines and/or by direct entry of their web-addresses.

Clickable Essay Hyper-Links 
are below here     center    and     to the right ===>
                                                                                 129 a7309011 ==>                                    129 a7309011 
    3 a7309012 
     4 a7312222
    3 a7605061 
    3 a7605151
    3 a7605241 
      5 a7605261 
    3 a7610231
                               31 a7611163 
                  18 a7612031 
    3 a7612291 
          10 a7703141  
      5 a7704191
    3 a7705162  
                   19 a7706211
    3 a7707281 
          9 a7708011 
    3 a7708301
                                                            60 a7709021  
    3 a7710071
     4 a7710072 
     4 a7711111 
    3 a7712271 
    3 a7805101 
    3 a7805183
    3 a7806294  
       6 a7807202 
    3 a7808221
          9 a7808222 
                16 a7812151 
    3 a7901261
    3 a7902051
    5 a7902121 
    3 a7903032 
    3 a7904181 
    3 a7904192
       6 a7907132 
    3 a7909251  
     4 a7911191
    3 a8006013  
     4 a8011161 
        7 a8103021 
    3 a8402101
       6 a8505262
      5 a8506072
    3 a8509101
        7 a8512072 
    3 a8601101
   2 a8603231
     4 a8606132 
     4 a8606241
                     21 a8607012 
    3 a8608021
    3 a8608053
    3 a8611191  
    3 a8612192  
    3 a8704271
         8 a8705231  
    3 a8711021
          9 a8712062
        7 a8802261
       6 a8803101
   2 a8803271
      5 a8804031 
    3 a8809231
    3 a8810072 
      5 a8811131 
                 17 a8812211
    3 a8903032
     4 a8904111
      5 a8904123 
    3 a8904211
          10 a8904243 
    3 a8906142
    3 a8909111
    3 a8910171
  1 a8911012
    3 a8911012
    3 a8912021
     4 a9003061
     4 a9005011
    3 a9005101
    3 a9005301
     4 a9006021  
    3 a9006252
    3 a9007171
                  18 a9008011 
    3 a9008101
          9 a9009231
    3 a9010062
     4 a9010201
    3 a9101212
    3 a9106063
     4 a9106262
       6 a9108191 
  1 A9110031
   2 a9112211
    3 a9202162
     4 a9205241 
    3 a9207281
      5 a9208211 
    3 a9211031
    3 a9211131
                       23 a9301081 
    3 a9301242
    3 a9302131  
  1 a9303261
                         25 a9303261
    3 a9305134
     4 a9306062 
    3 a9307305  
    3 a9308241
       6 a9310092 
     4 a9401222 
    3 a9404101
          10 a9406172 
       6 a9407144 
     4 a9501071
            12 a9501113 
         8 a9503172  
    3 a9507201
                       23 a9509021 
                    20 a9511024 
                        24 a9601112 
    3 a9601141 
    3 a9612012  
      5 a9710101 
      5 a9710102 
                                                                                           91 a9812213 
                         25 a9905151 
     4 b0006291
     4 b0009241
         8 b0011141 
   2 b0203281
                            28 b0207203 
         8 b0209233 
                          26 b0210112
     4 b0212061
                           27 b0405072 
     4 b0406282
       6 b0503252 
         8 b0512171 
                        24 b0601011 
               15 b0602021 
     4 b0611051 
     4 b0611081 
      5 b0611121 
         8 b0611281  
         8 b0611301 
       6 b0612121  
                     21 essa9999  
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