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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %UNMASKING CHOSEN BLIND LEADERS TOWARD VIOLENCE 870427 It is painful to unmask our chosen blind leaders who lead us toward violence. We choose our leaders to do our bidding. As a nation of addicts we want to play collusive games of mutual self deception about our different ways of being addicted. We choose our leaders to help us play dishonest games of mutual self deception. Our addictions express our frustrations over not achieving the kinds of control (over ourselves, others, events) which we believe we should achieve. In our frustration we fixate upon means (alcohol, drugs, spending, eating, work, weapons, etc.) which temporarily relieve our frustrations---yet ultimately lead to the disintegration of our lives and communities. Our addictions lead us to use violent means to try to achieve control as our lives and communities disintegrate. We put masks on to hide our addictions and present ourselves as respectable and reasonable. We put similar masks on our chosen leaders who do our bidding. They help us play our dishonest games. All kinds of addiction lead toward violence because addicts try to achieve control over free human beings, coercing free humans to conform to the addicts' wishes and needs. Addicts enslave free people, enlisting them in the support of the habits of addiction involving: alcohol, drugs, spending, eating, work, weapons, etc. Iowan's have an important responsibility in leading the nation as it begins consideration of who should lead lead the nation as president. We need a President who has the personal integrity and leadership ability to lead us all in taking off the masks we use to conceal our addictions. If we do not we may find ourselves with a President who will lead us into nuclear war as the logical conclusion to our addiction to missiles, nuclear weapons and dishonest defenses against them, such as SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative). (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================