Below is a tabulation of essays which have been included for a rather simple-minded reason: they contain a significant number of occasions of six blanks in a row being followed by a letter of the alphabet. That picks essays which for the most part include lists of words and tabulations of parallel lists of words; offered here for comparison and/or contrast purposes. Often in writing essays such lists have been generated to create occasions for thoughtful comparisons of what the words in parallel presentations have in common, or in contrast. Often the likeness or contrast is not in any sense systematic or coherent. Other times the likeness or contrast for does have some systematic sense or contrast. The purpose here is to offer occasions thoughtful consideration and dialogue. Viewers are encourage here to draw their own conclusions from their own observations. Shalom! a7309032.htm a7309033.htm a7812151.htm a9301063.htm a9302271.htm a9303091.htm a9303231.htm a9304011.htm a9304303.htm a9305233.htm a9306101.htm a9306131.htm a9308243.htm a9401161.htm a9401281.htm a9402011.htm a9402071.htm a9403061.htm a9404081.htm a9405041.htm a9405111.htm a9405282.htm a9405302.htm a9406051.htm a9407232.htm a9501203.htm a9501291.htm a9502272.htm a9502274.htm a9504291.htm a9507212.htm a9507281.htm a9509021.htm a9509041.htm a9509102.htm a9510011.htm a9510081.htm a9510281.htm a9511062.htm a9601191.htm a9601251.htm a9603041.htm a9603081.htm a9603181.htm a9605211.htm a9608193.htm a9610251.htm a9611031.htm a9611061.htm a9611071.htm a9701221.htm a9703021.htm a9703262.htm a9704061.htm a9704111.htm a9705082.htm a9705102.htm a9705271.htm a9706041.htm a9706051.htm a9706081.htm a9706262.htm a9707072.htm a9707151.htm a9707161.htm a9707211.htm a9708051.htm a9708271.htm a9709191.htm a9709241.htm a9710231.htm a9712142.htm a9712191.htm a9802113.htm a9802131.htm a9802181.htm a9803061.htm a9803242.htm a9804101.htm a9804131.htm a9804151.htm a9805111.htm a9805181.htm a9805212.htm a9807281.htm a9807301.htm a9809171.htm a9809251.htm a9809302.htm a9810061.htm a9810111.htm a9810182.htm a9810211.htm a9811021.htm a9811142.htm a9811291.htm a9812101.htm a9812211.htm a9902044.htm a9902281.htm a9903141.htm a9904131.htm a9905061.htm a9905251.htm a9905261.htm a9905263.htm a9906081.htm a9906132.htm a9906271.htm a9907081.htm a9907141.htm a9907152.htm a9908151.htm a9908181.htm