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The Essays System -- As of 2007/02/17 -- by Paul Aikin Smith
Focusing upon Personal and Communal Integrities.
Search for Integrity & Honesty -- while being true to yourself & others.
There is no way to Shalom. Shalom is the Way.

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The purpose of this web site is to stimulate real/honest/authentic dialogues among readers.
The essays offered here are unconventional, not tied to any isolated "party-line".
The essays offer many complementary (redundant?) perspectives on human situations.
Find, read, think-for-your-self, and discuss essays and civics with your best-friends.

ESSAYS are here to encourage helpful-thinking and honest-dialogue among different-people.
The writer is NOT committed to defend any text. Texts are offered to trigger thinking & dialogues among diverse readers.
Readers are encourage to transcend text imperfections to discern/clarify higher levels of integrity that are possible.
Supporters are encouraged to honor all of the above in ways which facilitate personal-and-communal integrations. Shalom!

======> Each long-underlined-text below is a HYPER-LINK --- to what it describes. <=======
===> Civic-Activists & Action-Oriented-Citizens browse far-below at items under: "O" <===
On February 14th, 2007 the web page trio.htm was updated to show which regular essays had received increasing numbers of hits during February 2007. Some statistical computations were added to trio.htm to show how few essays would get attention by random chance; so visitors can appreciate that some coalitions must be working to lift up their favorite essays for others to read. Some of the most meaningful and memorable essays continue to get the most attention! Note many other recent updates regularly reported on the web page recent.htm.


=> LEFT MARGIN FLAGS to help you find your way on this Home-Page of <== TAKE NOTE!
@ An at-sign, "@" near the left margin indicates a web page for BEGINNERS to look at soon, to become aware of what the web page offers, even if not to make immediate use of it.
# A pound sign, "#", near the left margin indicates that its line includes a QUICK-LINK to an important web-page. There are many other ways to get to such web-pages; but using those many other ways clutters up webalyzer reports and makes it difficult to lift-up favorite- essays for others to appreciate. You are encouraged to learn to use ALL such # QUICK-LINKS to help all visitors sort out which are the favorit essays on this web site. Good-habits help communities to facilitate both personal and communal integrations/integrities!
& An ampersand, "&", flags personal and historical notes about the early history of these essays.
$ A dollar sign "$", flags web pages useful in finding essays of interest to the visitor.
^ A carat "^" flags web pages related to "lifting-up" essays for other visitors' attention.
+ A plus-sign, "+", flags people working cooperatively to take action in reconciling ways.
@ Click here critics.htm for some possible responses to a varitey of likely criticisms of essays.
A. Find Essays-SEQUENTIALLY in Date-of-Writing-Order; Forward-or-Backward in time. @$ 1. Starting with the FIRST or LAST ESSAY --- and forward or backward in time. @$# 2. Starting with the FIRST OF ANY MONTH --- and forward or backward in time. @$ 3. Starting with Any-ESSAY-JUST-READ --- and forward or backward in time. @$# 4. STARTING WITH FINDER.HTM <=== <=== Highly-RECOMMENDED-OVERVIEW of finders of ESSAY-TEXTS! B. $& Find essays relating to a very influential student friend. C. $^ An Introduction to Essays-Most-Often-Recommended and searched for. <===== <===== <===== D. $# Find essays with an emphases on frequently used WORD-STARTS that interest you. (2 VERSIONS) E. $ Find other essays MUCH-LIKE the essay you have just finished reading. F. $ Find other essays DIFFERENT-THAN the essay you have just finished reading. G. $ Find essays including parallel lists of words for comparison, observations & conclusions. H. $ Find essays through the use of YOUR OWN SEARCHES of this web site I. $ Find essays through introductions to Keywords-Often-Used within the essays. J. $ Find essays-to-Read by Word-Starts Related to INTEGRATIVE-VIRTUES to emmulate. K. $ Find essays-to-Read by Word-Starts Related to BOTH VIRTUES-AND-VICES. L. $ Find essays-to-Read by Word-Starts Related to ALIENATIVE-VICES to avoid.
M. hists.htm Offers an early brief-web-site with a few of the following HISTORIES of: <====== #^ 1. Recent & Current PLANS --- AS OF 2007/02/17 <====== SEE WHAT OTHERS ARE VIEWING & USING! # 2. VISITS to with a graph showing exponential growth. <====== <====== # 3. HITS at with a graph showing two stages of exponential growth. <====== @& 4. The WRITER of the essays. (BRIEF FORMAT) @& 5. The WRITER of the essays. (EXTENDED FORMAT) @& 6. The Web-site (BRIEF VERSION) @& 7. The Web-site (1ST EXTENDED VERSION) @& 8. The Essays-System.(2ND EXTENDED VERSION) @& 9. WEB-PAGES of in both a (BRIEF VERSION) and an (EXTENDED VERSION). @&10. Bibliography of influential books #^ 11. WEBALYZER-Reports --- month-by-month at the ends of months. as of 2007/02/01 <====== #^ 12. WEBALYZER-Reports --- during the FIRST-FEW-DAYS of some recent months. as of 2007/02/014 <== #^ 13. WEBALYZERReports --- of a QUICK-PICK-UP by visitors on a new opportunity. #^ 14. WEBALYZER-Report-Formats --- when forcused upon often visited essay texts. #^ 15. Suggestions to COLLEGE-AND-UNIVERSITY-STUDENTS about safely using essays found here. #^ 16. Shalom.htm How visitors can form SMALL-COALITIONS to popularize their favorite few essays. #^ 17. focus.htm = viewed.htm Encouraging visitors help each-other focus-on outstanding essays. #^ 18. scores.htm Gives Links to essay texts most often getting attention in webalyzer reports. @ 19. Overview of the COMPONENTS of the web site
===> To browse about 8,000 essay texts, check options ABOVE-THIS-POINT on this page. <===

===> Civic-Activists & Action-Oriented-Citizens browse BELOW-THIS-POINT on this page <===
===> Below here are many links to the world-wide-web. To return here, click on the back arrow at the upper-LEFT of your screen. IF you use the "X" at the upper RIGHT of your screen, you may-lose your world-wide-web connection, and your connections back to here. The "Back-Arrow" keyboard-key may also work-well for you. O.# HERE & BELOW: Link to Action-Oriented-Groups, as well as to ESSAYS. <== JUST-ONE HYPER-LINK! + 1. The Crisis in USA Health-Care-System => World-High-Costs per-person for USA citizens. + 2. Global Issues that Affect Everybody, WOW! + 3. GLOBAL: ENERGY-CRISIS, PEAK-OIL and WARMING <== ENERGY 2007/01/08 ===> ALSO SEE P.1 BELOW: + 4. Searches on whole www about "redemptive-X" with oxymoronic-combinations + 5. Links relevant to Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" P.# Google-search-reports of OTHER-THAN about-topics-following. <=== A HYPER-LINK! The following web pages focus on web-sites OTHER-THAN, included just above in "P". + 1. Global-Warming? ALSO SEE O.3 ABOVE + 2. Humane Limited Population-Growth? + 3. Official Peacemaker Links + 4. Citizens' Peacemaker-Groups + 5. Peacemaker Voter-Action-Groups + 6. Just Peace Churches + 7. Tracking the Costs of War + 8. About Our Myths + 9. Understanding FUNDAMENTALISM + 10. Understanding TERRORISM + 11. Understanding & Transcending Polarizations + 12. Keeping track of the costs of war + 13. World-Wide Peace-Research-Centers + 14. Support your own AFFIRMATIONS

======> To browse almost 8,000 essay texts, check options near the top of this page. <======


@#2.Find brief-essays via keywords
3.Find ONE brief-essay about SEX
4.Search-Helps related to the ABOVE-LINK

@#5.GoTo Action & Information Center
@#6.Find Regular-Essays via Year/Month
@#7.Find Regular-Essays via Word-Starts
@#8.Find MANY Regular-Essays about LOVE
@#9.Find webs-of-many-related-topical-essays
These 9 options are often available at page top-and-bottom, often within CENTER