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OLD UPDATE ===> The Essays System -- As of 2006/12/06 -- by Paul Aikin Smith <=== OLD UPDATE
Focusing upon Personal and Communal Integrities.
Search for Integrity & Honesty -- while being true to yourself & others.
There is no way to Shalom. Shalom is the Way.

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CENTER of useful LINKS --- which appears as CENTER in many other places for you!

======> Each long-underlined-text below is a HYPER-LINK --- to what it describes. <=======
===> Civic-Activists & Action-Oriented-Citizens browse far-below at items under: "O" <===
==> Find the code for left margin flags @ # & $ ^ + at the very bottom of this web page. <==
@ Click here critics.htm for some possible responses to a varitey of likely criticisms of essays.
A. Find Essays-SEQUENTIALLY in Date-of-Writing-Order; Forward-or-Backward in time. @$# Starting with the FIRST OF ANY MONTH --- and forward or backward in time. B. $& Find essays relating to a very influential student friend. D. $# Find essays with an emphases on frequently used WORD-STARTS that interest you. (2 VERSIONS) I. $ Find essays through introductions to Keywords-Often-Used within the essays.
M. hists.htm Offers an early brief-web-site with a few of the following HISTORIES of: #^ 1. Recent & Current PLANS <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== # 2. VISITS to with a graph showing exponential growth. <====== <====== # 3. HITS at with a graph showing two stages of exponential growth. <====== @& 4. The WRITER of the essays. (BRIEF FORMAT) @& 5. The WRITER of the essays. (EXTENDED FORMAT) @& 6. The Web-site (BRIEF VERSION) @&10. Bibliography of influential books #^ 11. WEBALYZER-Reports --- month-by-month at the ends of months. <====== <====== <====== <====== #^ 12. WEBALYZER-Reports --- during the FIRST-FEW-DAYS of some recent months. <====== <====== #^ 15. Suggestions to COLLEGE-AND-UNIVERSITY-STUDENTS about safely using essays found here. #^ 16. Shalom.htm How visitors can form SMALL-COALITIONS to popularize their favorite few essays. #^ 17. focus.htm = viewed.htm Encouraging visitors help each-other focus-on outstanding essays. #^ 18. scores.htm Gives Links to essay texts most often getting attention in webalyzer reports. @ 19. Overview of the COMPONENTS of the web site
===> To browse about 8,000 essay texts, check options ABOVE-THIS-POINT on this page. <===

===> Civic-Activists & Action-Oriented-Citizens browse BELOW-THIS-POINT on this page <===
===> Below here are many links to the world-wide-web. To return here, click on the back arrow at the upper-LEFT of your screen. IF you use the "X" at the upper RIGHT of your screen, you may-lose your world-wide-web connection, and your connections back to here. The "Back-Arrow" keyboard-key may also work-well for you. O.# HERE & BELOW: Link to Action-Oriented-Groups, as well as to ESSAYS. <== JUST-ONE HYPER-LINK! + 1. The Crisis in USA Health-Care-System => World-High-Costs per-person for USA citizens. + 2. Global Issues that Affect Everybody, WOW! + 3. GLOBAL: ENERGY-CRISIS, PEAK-OIL and WARMING <== ENERGY 2006/08/12 ===> ALSO SEE P.1 BELOW: P.# The following web pages focus on web-sites OTHER-THAN + 1. Global-Warming? ALSO SEE O.3 ABOVE + 2. Humane Limited Population-Growth? + 3. Official Peacemaker Links + 4. Citizens' Peacemaker-Groups + 5. Peacemaker Voter-Action-Groups + 6. Just Peace Churches + 7. Tracking the Costs of War + 8. About Our Myths + 9. Understanding FUNDAMENTALISM + 10. Understanding TERRORISM + 11. Understanding & Transcending Polarizations + 12. Keeping track of the costs of war + 13. World-Wide Peace-Research-Centers + 14. Support your own AFFIRMATIONS

======> To browse almost 8,000 essay texts, check options near the top of this page. <======


@#2.Find brief-essays via keywords
3.Find ONE brief-essay about SEX
4.Search-Helps related to the ABOVE-LINK

@#5.GoTo Action & Information Center
@#6.Find Regular-Essays via Year/Month
@#7.Find Regular-Essays via Word-Starts
@#8.Find MANY Regular-Essays about LOVE
@#9.Find webs-of-many-related-topical-essays
These 9 options are often available at page top-and-bottom, often within CENTER
=> LEFT MARGIN FLAGS to help you find your way on this Home-Page of <== TAKE NOTE!
@ An at-sign, "@" near the left margin indicates a web page for BEGINNERS to look at soon, to become aware of what the web page offers, even if not to make immediate use of it.
# A pound sign, "#", near the left margin indicates that its line includes a QUICK-LINK to an important web-page. There are many other ways to get to such web-pages; but using those many other ways clutters up webalyzer reports and makes it difficult to lift-up favorite- essays for others to appreciate. You are encouraged to learn to use ALL such # QUICK-LINKS to help all visitors sort out which are the favorit essays on this web site. Good-habits help communities to facilitate both personal and communal integrations/integrities!
& An ampersand, "&", flags personal and historical notes about the early history of these essays.
$ A dollar sign "$", flags web pages useful in finding essays of interest to the visitor.
^ A carat "^" flags web pages related to "lifting-up" essays for other visitors' attention.
+ A plus-sign, "+", flags people working cooperatively to take action in reconciling ways.