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An Introduction to Essays-Most-Often-Visited
A HISTORY of Essays Most Often Visited
Last updated on 2007/01/14

Visit the following web page: plotyymm.htm for relevant information!

These reports are edited to make it easier for visitors to discern which essay texts have been visited most often, particularly in the early days of months when that is most easy to discern.

Editing of Webalyzer-Reports has consisted of eliminating whole lines which do not deal with visits to pages of; and marking lines with ****** and/or as "not useful".


On December 18, 2006: SUCCESS! A great improvement has been generated in offering visitors access to webalyzer reports for this web site --- including links to all of of November and December's webalyer reports IN-SEQUENCE. Here you may begin with the latest webalyzer reports 20061131.htm and 20061216.htm and at the top of reports, click your way back to the first of the month and then back foward to the latest report available; which in the future will be into the year 2007. NOTICE the further instructions which appear at the top of each webalyzer report; including how to click you way to parts of the report which are of most interest to you. A report of the first available link and the last available link appears when you get there. The earliest date will be extended backward in time on future dates. ENJOY! Right now you can back out of looking at a series of webalyzer reports by repeated uses of the Back-Arrow on your keyboard or screen. Later a URL will be put on webalyzer report screens to make it easier to return to this web page recent.htm.

On Webalyzer reports ALL highlighted/underlined texts are clickable-hyper-links!

Webalyzer reports for Separate-Months in the:

Year-2006 <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== <======

Through: March 1st == March 3rd == March 4th. == March 7th.

Through: April 3rd. == April 5th. == April 7th. == April 22th.

Through: May 8th. == May 16th. == May 18th. == May 29th.

Through: June 20th. == June 23rd. == June 30th.

Through: July 3rd. == July 4th. == July 5th. == July 12th. == July 13th. == July 31st.

Just into:
Aug. 01st. with MANY essays viewed.
Just into:
Aug. 02st. with MANY essays viewed.
Just into:
Aug. 03rd. with MANY essays viewed.
Just into:
Aug. 04th. with MANY essays viewed.
Just into:
Aug. 08th. with some essays viewed.
Just into:
Aug. 15th. with few--essays viewed.
Just into:
Aug. 16th. with few--essays viewed. Activity peak!
Just into:
Aug. 17th. with few--essays viewed. Activity peaks!
Just into:
Aug. 21th. with few--essays viewed. Activity peaks!
Just into:
Aug. 28th. with few--essays viewed. Activity peaks!
Aug. 31st. with few--essays viewed.

Just into:
Sept. 1st. with MANY essays viewed!
Just into:
Sept. 2st. with MANY essays viewed!
Just into:
Sept. 4th. with MANY essays viewed!
Just into:
Sept. 8th. with few--essays viewed.
Just into:
Sept.10th. with few--essays viewed. ******
Just into:
Sept.11th. with few--essays viewed, but activity is up!
Just into:
Sept.17th. with few--essays viewed.
Sept.30th. with few--essays viewed. but with increased activity!

Just into:
Oct. 1st. with MANY essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 2nd. with MANY essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 3rd. with MANY essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 4th. with MANY essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 5th. with MANY essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 6th. with MANY essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 7th. with MANY essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 8th. with MANY essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 11th. with MANY essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 12th. with few essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 18th. with few essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 20th. with few essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Just into:
Oct. 29th. with NO essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!
Oct. 31th. with NO essays viewed. Note MID web page parts!

Just into:
Nov. 1st. with MANY essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Nov. 2nd. with MANY essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!

======> The host computer Hung-Up for four or five days. Apologies to all! <======

Just into:
Nov. 10th. with ONE essay viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Nov. 11th. with TWO essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Just into:
Nov. 14th. with ONE essays viewed. Note ALL web page parts!
Nov. 30th. with ONE ESSAY VIEWED!
Click above on Nov. 30th. to see the report of the essay --- noted at the middle of the web page
as #12 in the list of the "Top 30 of 10968 Total URLs". It is
a9812213.htm <=== Click here!

Just into: Dec. 2nd. with 16 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at mid-way top-to-bottom on web page.
Just into:
Dec. 5th. with 5 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at mid-way top-to-bottom on web page.
Just into:
Dec. 8th. with 5 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at mid-way top-to-bottom on web page.
Just into:
Dec. 10th. with 5 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at mid-way top-to-bottom on web page.
Just into:
Dec. 12th. with 5 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at mid-way top-to-bottom on web page.
Just into:
Dec. 14th. with 4 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at mid-way top-to-bottom on web page.
Dec. 31st. with 3 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at Top 30 URLs and Entry URLs!

Year-2007 <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== <====== <======

Just into:
Jan. 01st with MANY essays viewed!
Just into: Jan. 6th with some essays viewed often
Just into: Jan.12th with four essays viewed often
Just into: Jan.13th with four essays viewed often
Just into: Jan.17th with four essays viewed often
Just into: Jan.24th with three essays viewed often
Just into: Jan.28th with TWO essays viewed often
Just into: Jan.29th with TWO essays viewed often

Just into: Feb. 01st with SIX essays viewed 3 times and 23 viewed 2 times.
Just into: Feb. 14th with NO essays shown; Viewed under 8 times.)
Through: Feb. 28th. with 3 ESSAYS VIEWED! Look at Top 30 URLs and Entry URLs!


As descirbed in
Shalom, coalitions of visitors can "lift-up" essays for inclusion in trio;
where the criteria for inclusion is being shown as used three times in one month within one webalyzer report of the month.

On Webalyzer reports ALL highlighted/underlined texts are CLICKABLE-HYPER-LINKS!

See also: hits.htm and webrpt.htm and visits.htm for more on activity levels.

Visitors interested in the emphasis on Peak-Oil will be interested in reading substantive papers (by a long-term-oil-investor) now getting much attention. Googling for ALL the key words "maturation Matt Simmons energy industry investment banker peak oil guru" from the title of an article about the new guru --- got about 600 references On August 1st, 2006. The paper was published June 24th, 2006.

On August 1st a search for all of the words "Matt Simmons peak oil" got about 383,000 hits! It is hard to trace what led to what.

Click here for articles by Matt Simmons, a new mature oil-guru!

=> Click on a date and then on ****** to explore new-possibilities and visit-rates. <=

During July 2006 there has been a notable increase in visitors searching for materials on "Peak-Oil", "Global-Warming" and the "Global-Energy-Crisis". Visitors may, in a coordinated way, find it useful to look for insights into how to reframe-questions in terms of: Who owns Space-Ship-Earth? What about Distributive-Justice? Should major-corporations have the same-rights as vulnerable-poor-individuals? Should owners of major-corporations be protected against the anger of people whom their corporations have made become poor through distributive-injustice? In what ways does capitalism encourage corruption through the concentration-of-wealth-and-power into the hands of a small minority? Concentrating power-and wealth-quite regularly occassions the generation-of-corruption! Can an undeclared "just-war" be focused upon securing an "adequate" flow of fossil fuel into the invading country? Are the traditional-questions adequate to the circumstances of our "New Century"? How can such questions be responded to in ways which are free of bias and prejudice which occasion dis-integrations of communities and individuals? What political leaders have the courage to try to answer such questions publically?

Click on links above to see which essays became favorite essays each month.
Note that the Top-Essays --- float-to-the-top only at the very start-of-the-month.

Note that at the end of a few Webalyzer Reports there occassionally appears (as for March 7th above at about 75% down the web-page) an indication of a small-number of "Search-Strings" which have been used only-a-few-times. This suggests that small-coalitions migh fruitfully agree-to-cooperate in searching-for-particular-essays by using a search-string of the form @yymmdd#.htm where @ = "a" for 1900's and "b" for 2000s; yy = year, mm = month, d = day, and # = a within-the-day-count --- for an essay which they agree to "lift-up" for wider consideration.

Searches with have led to echoes of them appearing in Webalyzer-Reports. It is not yet clear just which search engines will lead to echoes in Webalyzer-Reports. Experiment and share your success stories with your coalition members. Such searches and Webalyzer-Reports can evolve into powerful tools with which to "lift-up" your favorite essays for other people's consideration!

Efforts are underway to enable presentations-of-reports of how-many-visitors come to from the various-nations-around-the-world. Visitors are encouraged to form small coalitions with friends-around-the-world who may wish to cooperate in "Lifting-Up" for "Global-Considerations" essays which are particulartly relevant to trying to Integrate- the-World; rather than to facilitate Mutually-Assured-Destruction with Nuclear-Weapons.

Keep Tuned-in-to Others-Around-The-World --- which is our Space-Ship-Earth; our which we all need to visit regularly to lift it up all-villages, big-and-small: Out-of Distributive-Injustice, Violence and Poverty.

Form small Global-Coalitions to lift up your favorite essays.


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