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NOTICE! In what follows, lines starting with R R R R R R R R R mark the beginning of additional lines about being in a RIGHT Results-Window of google.com.
Notice! In what follows lines starting with L L L L L L L L L marK the begining of additional lines about being in a LEFT Essays-System-Window with information to use in the RIGHT Results-Window of google.com
Notice! Start thinking in terms of jumping back-and-forth between the above two windows to find-and-use combinations-of-search-words to compose search-strings-useful-for-you to find texts-for-you; by entering those search-strings in the RIGHT Results-Window. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Clear-the-Decks! That is, close all the open windows you know that you can safely close. 2. Sign into your famiar web brouser, and into google.com. R R R R R R R R R R R RESULTS WINDOW R R R R R R R R 3. In google, click on the tiny word "Preferences" at the right end of the box for search strings. A new window will open in which you can indicate your preferences. R R R R R R R R R R R PREFERENCES WINDOW R R R R R R R R 4. In the new window, go near the bottom and click to get up- to 30 or 50 reports for each search. 5. In the same window, near the bottom, click to activate the option for a "Results" window. 6. Click on "Save Setting' and on "OK". The right "Results" window will change back to its previous contents. R R R R R R R R R R R RESULTS WINDOW R R R R R R R R 7. In google's box for search-strings type: "essayz.com" & press enter. Omit quotation marks. Below the box for search strings one or more hyper-links should appear on the right as the "Results" of the search just asked for. 8. Click-on-and move the margines of the "Results" window, to the: right; and maybe top/bottom of your computer screen. 9. Click on the hyper-link for the Home-Page of essayz.com in the right "Results" window where you find "WELCOME TO the Essays System". THAT TEXT IS THE HYPER-LINK TO CLICK-ON. 10. A new LEFT window should open up, displaying the top part of the Home-Page of essayz.com. L L L L L L L L L L L HOME PAGE WINDOW L L L L L L L L 11. Click on a blank part of the new LEFT window to make it be the active window until you change that later. 12. Move the margines of the Home-page of essayz.com the left; and maybe top/bottom of your computer screen. ( Click-on-and-hold-mouse-key-down and drag the margine.) 13. Move the right margine of the Home-page to one quarter of the screen-width from the right edge of the screen. R R R R R R R R R R R RESULTS WINDOW R R R R R R R R 14. Click on a blank area near the RIGHT edge of your screen to activate the "Results" window on the right side; i.e., make it the active window for a while. 15. Move the left margine of the "Results" window to about a quarter of the screen-width from the left screen edge. L L L L L L L L L L L HOME PAGE WINDOW L L L L L L L L 16. Click on a blank area near the LEFT edge of your screen to make the LEFT window be the active window for a while. 17. On the LEFT Home Page of essayz.com at the outline option "N" click on "finder.htm", to go to its web page. The left window will change to be the finder.htm page. L L L L L L L L L L L FINDER PAGE WINDOW L L L L L L L L 16. On the LEFT in the finder.htm pag, click on wpairs.htm to work with word-pairs in composing search-strings. The LEFT window will change to be the wpairs.htm window. L L L L L L L L L L L WPAIRS PAGE WINDOW L L L L L L L L 17. On the LEFT in the wpairs.htm window read the preface to a tabulation of-four-full-lines; which you can get to by clicking on the INNER-RIGHT margine bar, holding the mouse- key-down, and dragging the INNER-RIGHT margine-bar down. 18. HINTS regarding composing search strings in TWO-WINDOWS: a. Get used to shifting back and forth between windows! b. You can work in either window alone for a while! c. Be careful about opening other windows; confusion? d. Design search strings to find a few dozen hits. e. In scr-all.htm QUICKPAR and WORDPAIR report word-pairs. <=== f. Word-pairs are generally more useful than singles. <======== g. Google searches only for complete-words, not parts. h. essayz.com often focuses on just word-starts = parts. finder.htm 11, 12 & 13. i. Periodically review all options in finder.htm. j. Periodically review all options on Home-Page index.htm ======================================================== WHEN YOU ARE READY TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE, PRINT THIS PAGE --- FOR REFERENCE USE LATER. THEN FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE PRINTED PAGES. ========================================================