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15 having Two-Windows-Open to work within. It is Detailed-and-General in scope.
16 Click for essays about Essential Foundations for Personal and Communal Integrity
16 This is an experimental link to SEVEN essays found with an advanced google.com search string. Check it out!
16 This is an extension of what option 15 offers --- but with less work for the user! For more see the next lines.
17 Click for links to Action-Groups and Essays --- Related to our Global-Environmental-Crises.
17 This is an experimental link to essays/action-groups found with an advanced google.com search string. Check it out!
18 Click for links to Action-Groups and Essays --- Related to our Global-Warming
18 This is an experimental link to many essays found with an advanced google.com search string. Check it out!
18 This links you to TWO ACTION-GROUPS and a large number of RELEVANT-ESSAYS. Check it out!
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19 This link offers essays found wiht the search string: "Essential Foundations for Personal and Communal Integrity"
20 crises.htm Links to Action-Groups & Specific-Essays --- Related to Global-Environmental-Crises.
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21 Offers essays found with the search string: site:essayz.com+global+warming
22 peakoil.htm Links to resources generally related to Peak-Oil, Global-Energy-Crisis and Global-Warming
22 Offers a wide range of web sites pertaining to peak oil, global warming, and related matters; including quantitative charts.
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23 Offers reports of numbers of essays-here found with search strings including the word "tragic"
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24 Offers reports of hits on the whole web using search strings including the word "tipping"
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25 Offers suggestions on how to construct search-strings related to reframing questions fruitfully.
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27 scores.htm Scores of most-frequently-viewed-essays suggest which essays are most "popular". See webraw.htm
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