Suggestions to Potential Users of Essays found at --- to help you complete assignments.
1. Get started early, so you have time to develop your thoughts and presentation style.
2. Look here for ideas and then develop them in your own way and in your own time. These
essays are written and presented to stimulate independent thinking and independent presentations.
Do not feel you must agree with your sources/authorities. Use locally specified procedures for giving credit where credit is due.
3. Do not cheat ourself out of an opportunity to think and write your own thoughts,
even when others are giving you signals that they are not ready for your own thoughts yet.
4. Beware of passing oon the texts of the strange essay-writing-style-here --- as your own.
Professors and teachers can use computers to trace suspected-texts to where they came from. Find
out what are the range-of-consequences at your-own-institution for Presenting-the-Fruit-of-Other-
People's-Work Without-Giving-Them-Credit. It is best-to-assume that Giving-Credit Is-MANDATORY.
ASK to find out when Giving-Credit is-not-manditory! In general, ignorance about what laws will
possibly be be enforced, is no excuse. The short-and-long-term consequences of either: will-full-ignorance
and mindless-ignorance, can be Uttlerly-Catestrophic --- beyond the imaginations of naive people.
Take good care of yourself! Know the local rules and customs wherever you are!
5. Make full use of search engines as suggested at the following web page:
FIND-Essays via Advanced-Features of Search-Engines; e.g., AllTheWeb, Teoma, google, etc.