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Righteous Rights Constitute Risk Management Avoidance Risk Protect Sacrifice Greek Roman Tragedy Reliable Changable Sacrifice Risk Protect Sacrifice Safety Security Invulnerable Rescue Salvation Unilateral Sanctuary Vulnerable Fortress Satisfy Enough Adequate Science Theory Hypothesis Science Technology Religion Science Knowledge Sexual Author Writer Script Web Search Fabric Safety Security Invulnerable Isolation Prison Separation Serve Describe Dictate Religious Service Culture Science Knowledge Sexual Sexual Health Ignorance Hospitality Health Shalom Give Share Covet Space Ship Earth Simile Sign Pointer Meaning Significance Interpretation Simile Sign Pointer Socialize Adaptation Sumbmission Solitary Individual Community Drama Songs Symphony Space Ship Earth Foundation Priority Stable Cosmos Planets Stars Myth Cosmology Story Structured Decay Entropy Subjective Understanding Mutuality Ojbective Subjective Reflexive Survive Endure Submissive Socialize Adaptation Sumbmission Repress Suppress Elicit Survive Endure Submissive Constantine Swords Creeds Drama Songs Symphony Domination Systems Analysis Intimacy Friendships Taboo Science Technology Religion Experimental Testament Conformation Science Theory Hypothesis Affirmations Tolerance Denigrations Accept Tolerate Reject Whole Complete Totalitarian Greek Roman Tragedy Idealism Naieve Tragic Renewal Recreate Transform Author Independent Trust Truths Mysteries Deceptions Understand Predict Control Understand Biased Prejudice Subjective Understanding Mutuality Rescue Salvation Unilateral Mutual Contrast Unilateral Virtues Ambiguous Vices Integrate Initiate Violate Virtues Ambiguous Vices Fantasy Fiction Vision Sanctuary Vulnerable Fortress Integrity Nuclear War Renew Waste Consume Web Search Fabric Whole Complete Totalitarian Worship Reverence Idolatry Author Writer ScriptCENTER HOME PAGE Press-Left-Arrow-to-RETURN