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This-essay is a8005141.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %SCIENTISTS' VALUE CONFLICTS 800514 Relationships between scientists and non-scientists, like all inter-cultural relationships, involve value conflicts. Members of different cultures embody different values. If there are no differences in values which are embodied---it may be difficult to make the case that there are two different cultures. The quality of the inter- cultural relationships depend upon how well the two cultures know how to deal with conflict. Some culture attempt to deal with conflict by pretending that it does not exist. They may so value the absence of conflict that it is taboo to admit the presence of conflict. Members of such a culture are not likely to be able to deal with inter-cultural conflict. Some churches offer interesting case-studies in attempts to deal with conflict by denying its presence. The scientists' sub-culture tends to deny not so much the reality of conflict itself, but rather to deny that science involves values which may be in conflict. Via the myth that science is value-neutral it appear to scientists that they are not participants in value-conflicts, because it appears to them that they have avoided issues of values. They appear to themselves to be dealing only with matters of objective fact, issues which can be settled by objective experimentation. Thus to scientists it appears that the conflicts are between competing theories, organizational systems, hypotheses, etc. Such conflicts, contests, are to be settled by objective procedures, they do not involve values; or so it seems to objective scientists. Too rarely do scientists admit to themselves and others that scientists form a sub-culture which is characterized by its members': life style, values, collusions, rituals, traditions, language, institutions, etc. It is a sub-culture which is inevitably in confrontation with other sub-cultures within the same geographic territory, and so involved in value conflicts with other sub-cultures. Scientists are ill-equipped to deal wisely with such value conflicts---to the extent that they pretend that they are not defending a set of values which are characteristic of the scientists' sub-culture. If they are participants in a collusion which contends it is not defending a set of values, then they cannot help deal with the conflict between sub-cultures---and are likely to confuse issues so others find it difficult to deal with issues wisely in well informed ways. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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