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From the Web-Master of www.essayz.com ===> to whomever may be interested:

Thoughts about how a web-site support-firm might help in making the web site www.essayz.com more effective.

This is in response to an international phone call to me about the possibility of a web-site support firm helping me as the owner, creator and Web-Master of the web site www.essayz.com --- to get more initial visitors to my web site and then have more visitors make return visits and encourage others to visit www.essayz.com

This web-page is to help such interested parties to quickly assess what my needs may be, in the light of my personal background and in the light of the nature of my web-site and what is offered at www.essayz.com

Early Computer-Background: I have grown up with the computer revolution. I began spending the overall bulk of my time writing a 2,000 card FORTRAN computer program to analyze microscopic photographicly detected tracks of decays of unstable nuclei of hydrogen and helium atoms due to the presence in them of a Lambda-Particle (somewhat like a neutron, but with a lifetime of about 0.000,000,000,200 seconds = 2.0 E-10 seconds. See the publication at Hyper-Fragment-Life-Times, which was my doctoral thesis at Tufts University. I was using the Main-Frame IBM Computer at MIT in Cambridge MA during 1960 - 1964 and an IBM 1620 at Tufts University. I started the computer center at Coe College, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA in 1976 with a IBM 1130 which cost $64,000 and had 18K of fast core membor and One Hard Drive of 0.5 Megabytes of membor; more that Tufts University had when I received my Doctorate in 1964. I evolved into doing word processing during 1968 - 1988 and created a What-You-See-is what-you-have Text editor language via the word-processor TECO; which was used for a few years by the computer science students at Coe College

Early-Political-Background: I was involved in peacemaking demonstrations related to the Civil Rights Movement in the USA and in the Boston-Area in opposition to USA wars in south-east Asia. I was the march captain for a peace march from the Boston-Commons to the Nuclear Submarine Base at Groton, Connecticut in about 1960; and gave Joan Byas permission to sing at the send-off-service at the Friends-Meeting-House in Cambridge, MA. I have been involved in peace-demonstrations since then in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and now in Fort Collins, CO.

Religious-Background: My grandfather, my father, and my wife's father were all three minister/missionaries in the Presbyterian Church, USA. My wife and I have been members of many churches in the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregational traditions; including the historic First-Church in Cambridge, MA, USA; which was founded in about 1640. I was the "Moderator" = chief-presiding-officer of the Presbytery of East-Iowa = a Federation of about 80 Presbyterian Congregations with a total membership of about 2,000 members; holding various high offices therein over a period of about five years. In Fort Collins in retirement my wife and I are active in Plymouth Congregational Church and are leaders in the Peace With Justice Ministry Team there.

Working with Famous "Atomic Scientists": It was a sobering experience to work for Dr. E. U. Condon as his Astronomy Class Teaching Assistant at Washington University during 1957-1958. He was for a time second-in-command of the "Atomic Scientist" of the "Manhattan Project" who worked to creat the first three atomic bombs, including those two bombs which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaky in Japan at the end of World War II. I had an office next to that of Dr. Arthur Holly Compton, who had been in charge of the very first nuclear reactor pile in early research towards creating atomic bombs. I had Dr. Bernard Feld come to Coe College on two occasions of talks about Nuclear War. He was the Editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the time and once asked me for the use of a private phone, and THEN called in the Editorial to Accompany the shifting of the Atomic Clock on the Cover of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists --- to closer to midnight. The "Salt-Talks" had recently failed.

Professional Service as Teaching Physics Professor: I taught a wide range of undergraduate physics courses and a course in Modern-Astronomy at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA during 1964 - 1999. During my first sabbatical in 1973-1974 I started writing essays which flowed from my experiences noted above, and from my frustrations in trying to help the Physics Teaching Profession improve the teaching of physics. I was serving as the Iowa Representative on the USA National Council of the American Association of Physics Teachers and did so continuously for about 15 years. The exclusion of females from the Physics Profession up to then was a major issue. The essay writing of about 20 essays per month since then is a process of train-of-consciousness-writing of perceptions trying to discern and articulate how to helpfully resolve conflicts implicit in all of the above experiences.

Later Political-Background: In parallel to the above, during 1974 - 1999 I was involved in the top level leadership of the Iowa Democratic Party in the USA. I served in four powerful key roles in the 1974 State Convention of the Iowa Democratic Party, I was the Secretary of the Iowa Democratic Party during 1974 - 1978; was the Iowa Representative on the 1976 Democratic Party's National Platform Committee, Initiated a Workshop on the Platform Process for the 1978 National Convention (off-election-year), and played key roles in the formalization of the Caucus-Convention-Process of the Iowa-Democratic-Party which are the beginning events in the process of selecting the National Democratic Party's Candidate for President of the USA. I was one of six people who recommended the very first occasion of the Iowa Precinct Caucuses being the first event in that Presidential Candidate Selection Process. We had no clue of what would follow! We were trying to resolve procedural challenges.

Evolutions of the set of essays now available at www.essayz.com When the computer services at Coe College had evolved to there being an increasing number of terminals to a main-frame computer on campus; I started creating computer programs to make my growing set of essays available over the computer system via computer programs I wrote in the language BASIC created by the President of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, USA. I involved my students in accessing and responding to those essays over the campus computer network. I visited Russia and China in 1983 in the company of USA leading physics teachers/professors. I became involved with a Chinese physicist who was interested in making my essays available in China, and got to know a very well known Chinese woman who got to be well known in both China and the USA as a very gracious entertainer, actor, magician and singer. Another very bright and gracious female student at Coe College from India, came to me and suggested that she work for me and with me in getting my back-log of about 2,000 essays written onto sheets of paper, but not yet well entered in to magnetic media, well entered into magnetic media. She thus started the process of me having such women catch up with the flow of new essays being entered into magnetic media. Another woman, of second-generation-Asian background, was helping me in that process, and as a freshman student suggested that she begin for me the process of moving all of the essays onto a web site on the world-wide-web; and thus began the creation of what is now www.essaya.com with about 8,600 essays now available there. We created it by writing HTML code without any support system and it has not involved any pictorial images so far. Goto: a7309011 and successive links for additional related information.

Current Challenges at www.essayz.com I am using the services of http://www.web-stat.com/stats/essayzviews.htm to track where visitors come from in the world, and to see what pages in www.essayz.com they go to. Click on any counter at the top center of most web pages to access their tracking information. Look at the bottom of the home page www.essayz.com to see the names of the nations from which at least one visitor has come since April 2007, and the number of visitors from each nation up to a recent date.

I have not developed any sophisticated way of marking my individual web pages to maximize initial visits and/or return traffic by initial visitors; who find my web pages through the use of search engines. The vast majority of visitors do find me through the use of search engines. Some traffic entails visitors typing in the absolute address of some web page at www.essayz.com; indicated a previous visit by that person or the personal passing on of information from another previous visitor.

The following suggests some of the challenges which I face in regards to the maximization of initial visits and return visits to www.essayz.com.

1. I am not marketing any well known product which people are looking for --- to buy.
2. What I am offering is not likely to be profitable to anybody seeking to concentrate wealth or power.
3. The insights which I am pointing to are counter-intuitive and challenge most conventional wisdom.
4. The insights which I am pointing to are likely to undermine the powers of the "most-powerful" leaders.
5. Search engines can search for individual words and/or combinations; but not for whole ideas/ideals.
6. Search engines usually search for whole words, not for the first few "key" characters of words, 3 to 5.
7. In English the first 3 to 5 characters of words can lead you to many related words.
8. In Arabic, the few key characters are often embedded within words; not the lead characters.
9. In essays, central ideas, ideals, values, issues, etc. --- are represented by complex word combinations.
10. The insights which I am pointing to are likely to threaten the world-views of most people; terrify them.
11. The collection of essays are in no sense a finished-product or well-organized into a whole-thesis.
12. My essays range across the domains of many academic disciplines, offending specialists in them.
13. The volume and level of redundancy in my essays --- is bound to discourage most visitors.
14. The level of complexity of what I am pointing to in my essays --- is bound to discourage most visitors.
15. My unconventional ways of punctuating and highlighting texts will offend many traditionalists.

In Regards to Finding-Tools in the Opening-Collection-of-Web-Pages:

1. There is currently relatively little use being made of the web pages that are referenced directly from the Home-Page at www.essayz.com and/or referenced from subsidiary finding-tool web pages.

2. There are hundreds of such subsidiary finding-tool web pages. There is help in finding many of those finding tools; e.g., at web pages noted as at the web page with this URL: www.essayz.com/bymonth.htm which gives you the means of looking at thefirst essay written in each month of activity during 1973 through the most recent month of texts which have been uploaded. Additional web pages can be accessed at the tope of this web page, and may be accessed with the following URLs which appear at the top of many web pages, just as above at the top of this web page:

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