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The following highlights some UPDATES which are being made to the web-site during Oceober 2010 - - - to help visitors to find texts of essays that may be of interest to them - - - using finding tools which are available on this web site. There are avaiable here over 10,000 essays of about one to three pages in length; written during 1973 through to the present time. There are also available about 10,000 web-pages that may be used by visitors to find essay texts of interest to them. Click on dirpage.htm to go to the web-page described in the line just above. It has a few descriptive comments on it. You can call-to-screen the first essay written during each month of writing; via the clickable links on the line just below this line: 1970s.htm 1980s.htm 1990s.htm 2000s.htm bymonth.htm