================================================================================================================================================================================== ================================================================================================================================================================================== This web page - - - will offer Surveys for public input - - - ABOUT MAJOR THREATS TO THE-LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY-OF-CIVILIZATION - - - hoping that most viewers are interested in helping US-ALL to participate in IDENTIFYING and LIFTING-UP for open-and-honest-dialogues: questions, affirmations, facts, truths, ideals, values, principles, grounds-for-hope, virtues, perspectives, myths and convictions - - - that Will-Play-Major-Roles in EITHER AUGMENTING and/or UNDERMINING - - - the LONG-TERM-SUSTAINABILITY of EARTH'S GLOBAL Civility-Patterns - - - and of EARTH'S GLOBAL-CIVILIZATION. SUVEYS will be offered in the overall spirit described at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wisdom_of_Crowds. SURVEYS-WILL-NOT-FOCUS EXCLUSIVELY-UPON any-isolated ideology or group's - - - perspectives, beliefs or activities. Surveys WILL-FOCUS INCLUSIVELY-UPON questions, affirmations, facts, truths, ideals, values, principles, grounds-for-hope, virtues, and perspectives - - - that ARE-TOO-RARELY the Gracious-Focus of Open-and-Honest Public-Dialogues. { THE SURVEY WAS UPDATED ON 2012/04/09- - - AND IS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INPUT. IT WILL REMAIN OPEN FOR MANY DAYS; UNTIL THERE IS A GOOD REASON TO CLOSE IT.} { YOU ARE ALL ENCOURAGED TO TELL FRIENDS TO CONTRIBUTE THEIR DIVERSE PESPECTIVES, OPINIONS, CONVICTIONS, ETC. - - TO STIMULATE OPEN-AND-HONEST DIALOGUES!} =====> CLICK ON THIS LINE TO CONTRIBUTE YOUR-OWN-PERCEPTIONS TO A CURRENTLY OPEN SURVEY <===== Some people may find portions of the survey to be of little interest/concern to them. Feel free to fill out only the portions that are of authentic interest/concern to you. There are no financial costs or benefits associated with filling out this survey document. Your only benefits are the intangible benefits of knowing you have helped to lift up important but neglected topics, for open and honest discussion. ================================================================================================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================================================================================================
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