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This-essay is a9707032.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %COMPLEMENTARY CONFLICTS COOPERATION LIBERATION SIN+970703 %EVIL ALIENATION DIFFERENCE INTEGRITY REJECT EVIL+970703 %CONFORMITY LAW LEGAL REDEMPTION RECONCILIATION+970703 %GOD THOUGHT ATTITUDE DESIRE VISION FANTASIES HOPE+970703 %ASPIRE IDEAL VALUE REPENT TREE KNOWLEDGE GOOD EVIL 970703 Often different people who might work together in cooperation --- instead work together in conflict. Instead of acknowledging the ways in which their differences could enable them to become a complete whole community with integrity --- they regard their differences as grounds for mutual suspicion, fear, rejection and resentment. Some people regard themselves as having a sacred duty to promote conformity to a set of good God-given rules and regulations. They are unrepentant in their efforts to control other persons': thoughts, attitudes, desires, visions, fantasies, hopes, aspirations, ideals and values. They are unrepentant because they have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil --- and presume to know who is good and who is evil. They are certain and insistent that they are right and righteous --- through their superior knowledge of God's will. Other people regard themselves as the beneficiaries of God's efforts to reconcile Her/His alienated Children with each other --- and with Herself/Himself. They regard themselves as liberated by God from human addictive fixations upon conformity related to: laws, rules, regulations, proscriptions, prescriptions, and expectations. Such liberated people are thankful for their God-given redemption --- and seek to live creatively in response to God's reconciling Love, and to fulfill the possibilities of their many differing gifts. They seek to be true to themselves and each other within intimate relationships which are open and honest --- because they know that they have received from God and from each other gracious gifts of the freedom to be safely vulnerable in authentic dialogue, which is open and honest. Many controllers are guilty of engendering unrepentant dishonest reactions to their unrepentant efforts to control liberated Children's: thoughts, attitudes, desires, visions, fantasies, hopes, aspirations, ideals and values. Controllers cannot appreciate, understand, respect or tolerate others who live without genuine concern for good: rules, regulations, proscriptions, prescriptions, and expectations. Many liberated Children engage in unrepentant efforts to be true to themselves and God's Children --- because of God's liberation of them from human addictive fixations upon conformity related to: laws, rules, regulations, proscriptions, prescriptions, and expectations. Liberated Children do not respect the behaviors of compulsive people living lives fixated upon: rules, regulations, proscriptions, prescriptions and expectations. The spectrum of patterns of human behaviors is not limited to just two alternatives. There are, of course, people who, in the name of "liberation", show no respect for any rules, regulations or guidance --- and rebel against all of them. On the other hand, there are some people who prudently respect helpful rules, regulations and guidance --- and do not try to control anybody. Continuous spectrums of alternatives abound, but many people can see only the extremes of the one primary spectrum which they stand at the end of --- and they therefore see all people in terms of the opposite background extreme of the primary spectrum they themselves stand in. Tragically many people are fixated upon their special end of their special spectrum --- regarded as the one and only means to salvation. Through their lack of balance they promote fear of different parts of their spectrum and of different spectrums than their own. They and others like them --- cannot become familiar with the different parts of alternative spectrums. They specialize and focus only upon "either/or" thinking and demands --- and so engender more fear. Tragically many people cannot let go of their enduring conflicts with people who are different --- and therefore cannot learn to cooperate with complementary people to form an integrated whole community --- comprised of different kinds of people who enjoy both personal and communal integrity together, with mutual respect and consideration. God's work of liberation and healing is not complete. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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This-essay is a9707032.htm which is available at the web-site These 5 lines echo top lines. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One