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This-essay is a8001014.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %PERSONAL NEEDS OBJECT REALITY 800101 Each of us lives by criteria of what is ultimately real. We choose those criteria to meet our particular personal needs. A few examples will illustrate the point: The research scientist who is awkward in and fears intimate personal relationships needs to avoid the embarrassment they occasion. Such relationships can not be ultimately real to the research scientist. The scientist needs to "discover," that ultimate reality is as different from that which he fears as is possible. Real persons are whole beings whose natures are interdependent and full of emotions, desires, hopes, fears, etc. Yet the scientist chooses criteria which define ultimate reality to be parts of things whose natures are independent of each other and are devoid of personal characteristics and relationships. Then the scientist dedicates his life to the quest for the ultimate reality which fulfills his personal need. The Scientists "discovers" the objective universe in its expanse of ultimately large and ultimately small, ultimately long and ultimately short durations---of fragments of matter, process, relationship, and essence. Other persons find their fulfillment in intimate personal relationships from the moment of their birth. They experience no satisfying personal meaning in I-It relationships. Early on they experience embarrassment in trying to solve practical problems. Objects and analytic relationships can not be ultimately real to such personable members of social groups. They need to "discover" that ultimate reality is as different from the fragmented and analyzed world of the scientist as is possible. Objects and objective/analytic insights tend to impinge on persons in ways which deprive persons of their integrity and fulfillment. These personal members of society thus choose definitions of the nature of ultimate reality in a way which is different from that of the research scientist. These persons live their lives in a quest for meaningful intimate personal relationships which fulfill their personal needs. They "discover" such relationships by creating them through entry into them as participants, and live in the eternal now of personal meaning. Similar examples might be sketched for people who focus their lives upon competition, possessions, ego, power, spirits, etc. We each seek to fulfill our own needs by how we define what is ultimately real, and our consequent search for that which is ultimately real to us. Reality to us depends upon what is important to us, what our priorities are upon our values, ideals, hopes and expectations. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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