This-essay is a7701171.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %JUSTIFICATION BY TOMORROW 770117 When taken to the extreme, goal oriented behavior traps people in the prison of justification by tomorrow, never permitting any behavior to be justified by present fulfillment. In that prison all living is for tomorrow. All gratification must be deferred. Anybody who is presently gratified is suspect of violating some rule, because all justification and gratification should occur in or in terms of tomorrow. Thus joy is suspect. Justification by tomorrow places power in the hands of technocrats who have specialized in predicting the consequences of today's decisions and actions. To them immediate fulfillment is irrelevant because it cannot be computed and processed---to arrive at intellectual conclusions. Only measurable quantities are relevant, since only such quantities are usable in their predictive computations. They operate in terms of laws of cause and effect, of probabilities. Those consequences which are regarded as most probable are regarded as the ones which we must expect. No behavior should ever be predicated upon the hope for a miracle which is beyond reasonable expectation according to their technocratic consideration of probabilities. Justification by tomorrow originates in today's goal- oriented behavior which is exclusive of meaning and satisfaction in the eternal now. The ultimate concern grows to be fulfillment of expectations tomorrow---but by the rules, tomorrow may never come. When the clock reaches tomorrow, the clock of tomorrow is no longer the appointed hour for just living. The just are not permitted to live by faith---they must live by goals for tomorrow which will justify them tomorrow through the future fruits of their works. Today is eternally the appointed day for work which will bring justification tomorrow. For this reason the sabbath is turned into a day appointed day for religious work under the leadership of a priesthood of god's self-appointed caretakers. They seek justification by how well they take care of god's universe of eternal waiting for tomorrow to come with justification, fulfillment, and joy in return for filling every today with "good works". (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================Lines beginning with a percent sign are KEYWORDS for use in ESSAY-System Searches. Their terminal digits are dates of writing in the format @yymmdd#, where @ = a means 99, @ = b means 20, and # = is a within-date essay-count. Links to date-adjacent essays are near page top & bottom.
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