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%COLLUSIVE GAME SELF DECEPTION CONFLICT RESOLVE 960514 Within healthy communities which DO enjoy integrity---honest people GIVE EACH OTHER the free GIFT OF BEING SECURE within relationships which entail high levels of vulnerability. Therein openness, honesty, vulnerability, and true security are associated with each other in INTEGRATIVE WAYS which are ENJOYED BY PEOPLE of INTEGRITY. Within unhealthy communities which DO NOT enjoy integrity---dishonest people MANIPULATE EACH OTHER in DEFENSIVE WAYS which make for relationships which entail high levels of vulnerability. Therein openness, honesty, vulnerability and violence are associated with each other in DISINTEGRATIVE WAYS which PAIN PEOPLE who ARE DISINTEGRATING. The above two situations entail contrasts which are highlighted by the care with which words have been chosen and positioned in the text; line by line. Within healthy communities which DO enjoy integrity---the kinds of honesty which are enjoyed and encouraged go far beyond what is taken to be honesty within unhealthy communities. In fact, within unhealthy communities it is nearly impossible to conceive of the possibility of the kinds of honesty which are enjoyed and encouraged within healthy communities---for they entail levels of fearful vulnerability which are intolerable within unhealthy communities. They are intolerable due to the fear of pain which is promised to people who violate the threatening rules of the collusive games of mutual self deception which often characterize unhealthy communities. Within unhealthy community the following kinds of honesty are often inconceivable: 1. Honesty about personal mistakes made. 2. Honesty about unconventional desires, needs, hopes, aspirations and expectations. 3. Honesty about fears, confusion, doubts and convictions which are taboo. 4. Honesty about points of vulnerability in general. 5. Honesty about desires for personal intimacy and affection. 6. Honesty about sexual desires, visions, fantasies, dreams, and fears. 7. Honesty about one's own emotional availability. 8. Honesty about one's own personal commitments. 9. Honesty about one's own limitations & abilities. 10. Honesty about one's own ignorance and confusion. The process of peacemaking and community building entails resolving the conflicts which make it impossible to conceive of the above kinds of honesty within unhealthy communities. (c) 1997 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Integrity and Honesty" (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy)