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The essays offered at are clearly not reliably authoritative. There are no reliable footnotes to previous authoritative writings by which to trace the flow of legitimate authority. Some essays start saying one thing --- and after a confusing transition end up saying almost the exact opposite. Such essays do not offer an authoritative-coherent-point-of-view. They seem to expect readers to figure things out for themselves! Many essays in other ways leave the reader confused about what is the right thing to think, to believe and to recite.

Most essays leave readers who are seeking well founded authoritative statements, uttterly confused as to what might be the presumed source of authority for the text of the essays.

Many readers of the essays are left puzzled as to what it is that the essays are saying. It is not possible to argue in any clear definitive way about what is said in them, because authoritative people cannot figure out what is said in them. This is very unsettling to legitimate authorities! Such writing breaks down any reliable well structured framework within which true authorities can be recognized and affirmed as being reliably superior to false authorities.

How can we all get from this confused set of circumstances, to a more coherent pattern of living graciously within our finite Space-Ship-Earth --- through progressive stages of gracious-integration? The essays do not point to any proper and certain path that must be followed. The essays do not present any clear guidance as to what authorities, what doctrines, what rituals, what paradigms are absolutely true. What good can be found in them? It will probably be best for authoritarians to ignore them, and hope that others will also ignore them.

What is The-Way-of-Shalom?

There is no way-to Shalom!

Shalom is The-Way.

Be Graciously-Together in Shalom's Many Gracious-Ways!

Be-aware-of and Beware-of Idolators who refuse to deal honestly with paradoxes' mutually-complementary-truths.


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