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This-essay is a9904251.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %GROUNDS TRANSCEND COMPULSIVE FEARFUL REJECTIONS+990425 %SELF OTHERS ALIENATION EXCOMMUNICATION BANISHMENT 990425 We are unlikely to recognize, name and describe appropriate grounds for transcending compulsive/fearful rejections, alienations, excommunications and banishments --- so long as we do not recognize the evil consequences of personal and communal disintegrations which flow from what we need to transcend. So long as we conceive evil things and relationships in terms of people's failures to conform to our expectations of them --- so long are we likely to be the victims of such evil things and relationships which we ourselves have conceived and feared. When we conceive, recognize, name, and describe evil relationships in terms of our failures to participate openly and honestly within intimate relationships wherein we enjoy security as the freedom to be safely vulnerable --- then we may be freed from those evil things and relationships which we ourselves have conceived and feared. Our compulsive/fearful rejections and alienations are initiated by ourselves and others --- and make victims of ourselves and others. It is impossible to cleanly separate out initiators and/or victims; for both of them are always inter-dependent in confusing ways which make classifying people into mutually exclusive roles a futile exercise. We cannot assign fault, blame, guilt or shame in helpful ways. We cannot know in helpful ways who is good and who is evil; for the knowledge of who is good and who is evil --- is always pretentious knowledge; which is alienative in that the self-acknowledged "good" people are prone to recognized/identify "evil" people among unfamiliar "others" rather than among "loyal friends" and "respectable leaders". So long as we do not honestly and openly seek to recognize, name and describe reliable grounds for transcending our compulsive/fearful rejections and alienations of others --- so long we will continue to victimize each other with our unresolved conflicts and contentious approaches to each other. We may be paralyzed by fears of consequences which we regard as "objective" fears --- when they are in fact consequences which are chosen by people who are ill, dis-eased, sick, alienated, etc. If we do not properly recognize the nature of what engenders the "consequences" we are unlikely to respond wisely to our fears. If we treat the consequences of sick humans' behaviors --- as if they were objective consequences which flow from the nature of objects' manners of interactions --- we can not deal with the consequences wisely. We need to respond to sick humans as sick humans, and to threatening objective situations as such. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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This-essay is a9904251.htm which is available at the web-site These 5 lines echo top lines. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One