This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %BEING DISHONEST COLLUSION PERPETUAL LIE ROLE MODEL+950316 %ATTITUDE EMOTION DESIRE IDEAL VALUE GOAL INTENTION+950316 %MEMORY REMEMBER FORGET KNOWLEDGE SKILL FRIENDS SIN+950316 %EXPERIENCE PERCEPTION SEE HEAR FEEL AFFECTION 950316 Often we are told that it is wrong to tell a lie, to deceive, to mislead, to make dishonest statements. Such dishonest actions are but isolated occasions of dishonesty in an overall pattern of honesty on the part of honest beings. Rarely do we recognize the ways in which collusions require us to be dishonest perpetually. Collusions require us to be essentially dishonest beings---to hide our true: attitudes, emotions, desires, ideals, values, goals, intentions, memories, knowledge, skills, friends, experiences, perceptions, seeing, hearing, feeling and affections. A collusion make the deceptive protection of the collusion the ultimate concern and requirement. All forms of dishonesty and deception are mandatory as means to conceal all forms of dishonesty---and so to present an appearance of integrity. Collusions make being dishonest a perpetual honorable duty. Within a collusion it is a mortal sin to permit an honest exposure of any lie which has been used to conceal the collusion. Being dishonest is a required way of life. Being honest is unthinkable. The difference between being honest and being dishonest is obscured in the service of concealing the collusion. What matters is that the collusive "truths" be maintained faithfully even though they are inconsistent with our true emotions, desires, ideals, values, goals, intentions, memories, knowledge, skills, friends, experiences, perceptions, seeing, hearing, feeling and affections. True personal and communal integrity are threats to collusions and so are made into non-realities which cannot: exist, or be talked about, recognized, desired, or forbidden. It is important to recognize the difference between an essentially honest being who occasionally lapses and knowingly tells a lie---and an essentially dishonest being who does not know the difference between being dishonest and being honest; does not know the difference between an essentially-dishonest-being and an essentially-honest- being. We are trapped in a collusion if we regard the population explosion as merely an objective reality, and try to deal with it as an objective reality---without dealing honestly with its reflexive aspects. We are trapped in a collusion if we regard sexual behaviors as non-objective, and refuse to deal with the objective aspects of sexual behavior---because it is taboo to image, describe and talk about the objective aspects of sexual behavior. We are trapped in a collusion if we regard the population explosion as the proper fruit of divinely ordained sexual activity---which we should take no steps to discipline in the light of our considerations of the objective aspects of our sexual beings. We are trapped in a collusion if we deprive females of political powers which we provide to males---as part of our collusive games of mutual self deception. We are trapped in institutional collusions and organizational addictions if our respected institutions (organizations, businesses, schools, universities, colleges, churches, political parties, etc.) require us to be dishonest beings---in support of institutional collusions and organizational addictions. We cannot be wise and cope meaningfully with the threats to our personal and communal integrity if we do not recognize and deal honestly with our systemic patterns of dishonesty. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================