This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %INFANT FAMILY ADDICT TECHNIQUE SCHOOL PROF SCIENCE 910125 The infant who does not learn that it is safe to bond to and to trust primary care givers, seeks by trial and error to manipulate the environment to gain the sense of security which is missing; and becomes a manipulator of objects and truths. To the extent that security and satisfaction is not enjoyed in healthy inter-personal relationships, the growing child seeks security and satisfaction in manipulative relationships with objects and people. Security is sought in certain relationships and in the appearance of certainty; in unchanging relationships which will not let one down. Disappointments in relationships which are not certain, lead to efforts to find satisfaction in relationships which are certain and unchanging, in unchanging patterns and truths which will not disappoint. Life's focus thus shifts from unreliable human relationships to reliable objective relationships; and thus for many intelligent but emotionally poor people, life leads to scientific research and to technical developments of all kinds in: science, engineering, legalism, moralism, religiosity, technocracy, judgmentalism, rejectionism, defense, militarism, fundamentalism. Just as in infancy many children are deprived of the emotional nurture and parenting which is essential to a healthy adult life, so also many graduate students in their professional training are deprived of the emotional nurture and affective mentoring which is essential to a healthy and responsible life of service as a mature professional. This is particularly tragic in the instance of professionals whose responsibilities include the nurturing of the next generation of professionals through educational service in graduate schools. Too often the professors in graduate schools are emotionally dead people who are themselves victims of active and passive abuse in their childhoods and higher education; and are living out their adult years as research addicts and research codependents; ignorant of the twelve steps they need to take to recover their emotional and intellectual integrity and health. They would do well to educate themselves regarding the lives of people who are in recovery of health through the wisdom of the multitude of programs and people in whom is the wisdom and the way to recover from dysfunctional families of origin, and recover from the dysfunctional families within themselves, which echo the unfinished business of their painful but forgotten childhoods. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================