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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SIGNS OF ADDICTION CODEPENDENCE INTEGRITY 881118 How can we tell when we are engaged in addictive and/or codependent behavior? Are there "good" addictions? If so, how can you distinguish them from "bad" addictions? The following questions are suggestive of the kinds of considerations which are central to the resolution of the above: Can we engage in open and honest discussion about the behavior which is in question, about its consequences, how it affects us and others? Does the behavior threaten the integrity of any person or community? Is the behavior compulsive? Can the behavior be suspend willfully when careful consideration of its consequences indicate that suspension is in order? Is the behavior characterized by confusion, crisis following crisis, ignorance, blurred distinctions, multiple conflicts, confrontations, repetitious cycles of decay, etc? Do participants in the behavior enjoy high self esteem and clarity of individual identities? Do they approach each other with mutual respect for each other as distinct individuals with individual differences and rights? Do participants in the behavior openly and honestly see themselves and their behavior within a much broader context, as part of an integrated whole over which they do not have, and do not want to have control. Are the participants trying to perfect themselves according to some standard of conformity? Are there efforts to gain control according to some standard of how things should be or should develop? Do participants judge each other according to personal acceptability and rejectability? Is excommunication, alienation and estrangement common? Do participants really listen to each other actively and confirm what they think they have heard? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================