This-essay is a8309211.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %IDEALS' SURVIVAL VALUES 830921 The probability of survival of a value depends greatly upon the ideals which play central roles in the allocation of scarce resources in personal, economic and political decision making. Here the word "ideals" is used in the broad sense of "values", "desiderata", "principles", "priorities", and "focal concerns" which play central roles in directing the behavior of members of a culture. The ideals may be embodied in role models, verbal statements, social traditions, myths, and other forms at various levels of cultural consciousness. While the word "values" is often used in this sense, here the word "ideals" will be used in order to avoid awkward sentence constructions involving the combined word "survival-value". Not all ideals have equal survival-value. The ideal of avoiding marriage and sexual intimacy has low survival- value. The ideal of dying gloriously in a holy war for similar reasons has low survival value. Ideals thus differ in an objective sense in their respective survival-values. After it has become clear what ideals various people embody, it is wise to consider the various survival-values of their ideals. It is not merely a matter of opinion, with all opinions of equal worth. Some ideals lead to behavior patterns which threaten the survival of the people who embody the ideals and/or threaten the survival of the culture which embodies the ideals, and gives them and the members of the culture meaning. Our problem is to recognize the ways in which ideals contribute to or threaten the survival of the people and cultures which embody the ideals. Careful consideration of the dynamics of human relationships can give insight into which kinds of ideals are threatening to survival, and which are supportive of survival. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================Lines beginning with a percent sign are KEYWORDS for use in ESSAY-System Searches. Their terminal digits are dates of writing in the format @yymmdd#, where @ = a means 99, @ = b means 20, and # = is a within-date essay-count. Links to date-adjacent essays are near page top & bottom.
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