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This-essay is a7807041.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %LOVING COLLUSION PARTICIPANTS 780704 Loving a participant in a collusion (a game of mutual self-deception) puts one under tension. To maintain one's own integrity one must work to avoid entrapment in the collusion. If the collusion dominates people who are important to you, it is not easy to dismiss their perceptions---especially when they have the strength of collective agreement and socially sanctioned tradition on their side. Loving a participant in a collusion makes you more vulnerable to the collusion than if you are indifferent to the participant. The participant's perceptions cannot be a matter of indifference to you; some choices must be made. One may reduce tension by joining the collusion, and possibly by sacrificing intimacy. One may seek to cope with the reality of the collusion without either violence or surrender. All three courses of action involve costs and suffering. Reducing tension by joining the collusion is not an act of genuine love. It leaves people enslaved and fearful of the consequences of transcending the collusion. Love sets people free and casts out fear. Heightening the tension by direct attack will encourage the hardening of the collusion, and will block the possibility of developing mutual understanding. Love does not motivate people to block dialogue. Participants in collusions are most likely to be motivated to transcend the collusion by intimate awareness of dialogue with people outside the collusion. Violent attacks upon participants in the collusion will tend to block interest in intimacy with the attackers. Coping with the reality of a collusion involves affirming the participants as people, without affirming the collusions which dominate their self-conceptions. The participants need to become aware of how their collusions block dialogue between them and those who are not participants---and learn to ultimately value such dialogue. If participants in collusions ultimately value mutual awareness and mutual understanding with all kinds of different people, then there is a way out of their collusions. They may discover that their collusions are standing in the way of dialogue which they ultimately value---and with that recognition may come the power to compare the value of the collusions with the value of varied dialogue. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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