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The research oriented scientist who also has teaching
responsibilities may often spend more time and concern in
association with research than with students. To such a
person an increased concern for the needs of students may
be expressed by spending more time in preparation for
presentations to students, but still spend the time in the
same states of consciousness characteristic of the
preparations for presentations to fellow researchers. The
preparation time is most likely spent with others also
involved in making preparations, or by self alone.
Preparation time almost by definition is not time spent
with students who are to benefit from the preparation.
If the instructor has an image of the instructional
process wherein the student receives instruction and
accumulates information, knowledge, and skills; then the
purpose of the preparation time is to maximize the rate of
transferral of information, knowledge, and skills from the
trainer to the trainees. The more adequate is the
preparation, the more efficient is the time spent
together, and the students will internalise more of the
relevant fundamentals. Such a self-image with respect to
the instructional process permits the instructor to
continue working in the same states of consciousness as
typify research work, but with the ostensible purpose
being the welfare of students.
It will not be helpful to deny the value of spending
time in preparation so that time spent with students may
be more helpful. Neither will it be helpful to deny that
many science instructors have a tendency to budget their
time with an excessive fraction of their time devoted to
preparation, and too little of their time spend in
dialogue with students. Constant preparation of materials
which are conceived in ignorance of the nature of real
students is wasted preparation. Constant preparation of
materials suitable for only a very small fraction of
students in need, is also wasted preparation. This
difficulty will most helpfully be resolved by drawing into
the science education program persons whose first love is
to work with real students, and who are fascinated by the
content of the sciences only secondarily --- but yet with
real competence.