- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THIS-WEB-PAGE ITSELF BELOW pertains-to the Following ===> a7309011.htm <=== A Current-Essay' Hyper-Link. Eventually, each of the over 10,000 essays - will have associated with it - a customized-web-page like this web page. Text-File-Names = @yymmdd#.htm @ = "a" ==> 1900's @ = "b" ==> 2000's "#" = Essay-In-Day-Counter BELOW ARE a7309011.htm's WORD FREQUENCIES along with A FEW OF ITS CONTEMPORANEOUS ESSAYS. The CONTEMORANEOUS ESSAYS below follow a7309011.htm; since they were written FOLLOWING-IT in September of 1973. =============================================================================================================================== Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309011.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309012.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309013.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309021.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309022.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309023.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309031.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 ( You can use the above and related hyper-links to explore trends to write-about some-one-topic during a given period-of-time. ) =============================================================================================================================== Text-File-Names = @yymmdd#.htm @ = "a" ==> 1900's @ = "b" ==> 2000's "#" = Essay-In-Day-Counter BELOW ARE a7309011.htm's WORD FREQUENCIES along with A FEW OF ITS "MOST-ALIKE" OTHER-ESSAYS. HERE: "MOST-ALIKE" MEANS "Having MOST-ALIKE spectrums-of-frequencies of the most-frequent-words and/or word-starts." Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309011.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Hyper-LinKs to additional essays that are MOST-ALIKE the-above-essay a7309011.htm; will follow below this line. ( SORRY, none have yet been installed here!) Via REPEATED-USES of this and the following kind of hyper-link, you can find countless alike-and-contrasting essays; starting with any one essay. THIS WEB PAGE IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND SO IS INCOMPLETE AT THIS TIME. PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH THESE MODERN-TECHNOLOGIES! They do not repent, and fix themselves! ============================================================================================================================ Text-File-Names = @yymmdd#.htm @ = "a" ==> 1900's @ = "b" ==> 2000's "#" = Essay-In-Day-Counter BELOW ARE a7309011.htm's WORD FREQUENCIES along with A FEW OF ITS "LEAST-ALIKE" OTHER-ESSAYS. HERE: "LEAST-ALIKE" MEANS "Having a LEAST-ALIKE spectrum-of-frequencies of the most-frequent-words and/or word-starts." Essay-Hyper-Link ==> a7309011.htm 9 word1, 7 word2, 6 word3, 5 word4, 3 word 5, 2 word6 Hyper-Links to additional essays that are LEAST-ALIKE the-above-essay a7309011.htm; will follow below this line. ( SORRY, no-such-hyper-links have-yet-been installed-here! Please check back occasionally!) Via REPEATED-USES of this and the above kind of hyper-link, you-be-able-later; to-find countless alike-and-contrasting essays; starting with any one of over 10,000 essays. THIS WEB PAGE IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND SO IS INCOMPLETE AT THIS TIME. PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH THESE MODERN-TECHNOLOGIES! ============================================================================================================================ SOME OF THE FOLLOWING HYPER-LINKS NOW-AND-WILL PERTAIN-TO OTHER-THAN-THE-PRESENT-ESSAY a7309011.htm Click on the following hyper-link-lines for information described in each ==> OPERATIONAL-FULLY-UNDERLINED-AND-HIGHLIGHTED <== FULL-LINE. ===> wdstartp.htm with Links to essays containing many of the MOST-FREQUESTNLY-OCCURING SINGLE-KEY-WORDS and/or KEY-WORD-STARTS in ALPHABETIC and FREQUENCY orders. <=== Links to essays containing many of the MOST-FREQUESTNLY-OCCURING PAIRS-OF-KEY-WORDS and/or KEY-WORD-STARTS in ALPHABETIC and FREQUENCY orders. Links to essays containing many of the MOST-FREQUESTNLY-OCCURING TRIPLETS-OF-KEY-WORDS and/or KEY-WORD-STARTS in ALPHABETIC and FREQUENCY orders. Links to essays containing many of the MOST-FREQUESTNLY-OCCURING QUARTETS-OF-KEY-WORDS and/or KEY-WORD-STARTS in ALPHABETIC and FREQUENCY orders. Links to essays containing many of the MOST-FREQUESTNLY-OCCURING LARGE-CLUSTERS-OF-KEY-WORDS and/or KEY-WORD-STARTS in ALPHABETIC and FREQUENCY orders. ===> clusters.htm with Links to essays containing many THEMATIC-CLUSTERS-OF-KEY-WORDS and/or KEY-WORD-STARTS in ALPHABETIC-and-FREQUENCY orders. <=== ================================================================================================================================================================= bymonth.htm gives: Links to essays written starting on the first of each month from 1973 to the present. Links to essays written starting on the first of each month in the 1970's. Links to essays written starting on the first of each month in the 1980's. Links to essays written starting on the first of each month in the 1990's. Links to essays written starting on the first of each month in the 2000's. Links to essays written starting on the first of each month in the 2010's. only to September. Since 1973; during an average month about 24 essays have been written; and only lightly edited thereafter. As of October of 2011 there are about ???? essays written, but not yet puslished at www.essayz.comThis web page is the CENTER of the 2011-2012 COMPREHENSIVE-EVOLUTION of this WEB SITE www.essayz.com The EVOLUTION will provide pervasive-intuitive-aides to help visitors find essays that they will appreciate! See also the two web pages: www.essayz.com/recent.htm and www.essayz.com/wdstartp.htm