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This web page is at <== Finding essays via word-starts. ======================================================================================================================================================================================= = Click on this line to explore an evolving dictionary of about 1,500 words that appear often in the over 10,000 essays available on this web site = = = = Use this dictionary to find essays of interest to you. Future features will enable users to augment their own search-word-lists on the basis of how frequently words = = have appeared in the essays found here at this web-site The focus here is upon facilitating open-and-honest discussions-with-friends about - - - - How can we each = = discern whom we can most trust and admire in-the-long-term in GOD's PLANET-EARTH'S changing environment with finite supplies of OIL, NATURAL GAS and COAL that are being EXHAUSTED. = ======================================================================================================================================================================================= Please also see - - - the following two web pages: <=== The Most-Recently-Written-Essays.

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THIS-WEB-PAGE is about Finding-Essay-Texts By-Using Word-Starts of 3 to 5 letters in each "Word-Start"
Click on one of the four Underlined-Options below; to start Looking-for-Essay-Texts Of-Interest-Io-You.
The Names-of-the-Options suggest What-You-Will-Have To-Work-With in Looking-for-Essay-Texts.
************************************************************************************************************************************************************ ** ** ** Few Alphabetized Word-Starts Focused-Upon CONFLICT-Mitigation Few Frequency-Ordered Word-Starts Focused-Upon CONFLICT-Mitigation ** ** ** ** MANY Alphabetized Word-Starts Focused-Upon MANY Topics/Issues MANY Frequency-Ordered Word-Starts Focused-Upon MANY Topics/Issues ** ** ** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ ** ** ** Finding-Essays via Month-of-Writing and Date-Sequenced-Essays Finding-Essays via Available-Word-Clusters See-Below ** ** ** ** A Home-Page of Useful World-Wide-Web-Search-Strings COMING-LATER: Finding-Essays by You PICKING three Frequent-Word-Starts ** ** ** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ ** ** ** Comming-Additions to ALL of the over 10,000 web-pages containing the Texts-of-Essays HERE at - - - will include the following: ** ** ** ** Being-Able To-Step Forward-and-Backward from each Essay-Text - - - by 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 500, 10000 Essay-Texts. ** ** ** ** Clickable-Links to Ten-Essays-Texts most Like-and-Unlike the Text-on-screen, in-terms-of the frequencies of Word-Starts of 3-to-5 letters. ** ** ** ** Clickable-Links to NAVIGATIONAL-AID-Headquarters for various Gracious-Ways to Lay-Foundations for Mitigating-our-Own-Alieantive-Conflicts. ** ** ** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Technical-Foot-Note #1: ABOUT: Words that ARE ( or ARE NOT ) Focused-Upon CONFLICT-Mitigation The following are examples of suggestive words with their Word-Starts in Upper-Case-Letters. They ARE-OFTEN Focused-Upon Alienation! DOMINeering BULLIes ALIENative CONFLicts TRUE LOVERs CONTEntious DEBATes DEMANds COMMAnds COMMANdments CONFOrmity The following line shows words with UPPER-CASE Word-Starts that ARE-RARELY Focused-Upon Alienation! GALAXies PLANEts ASTERoids COMMETs ROCKS CLOUDs RAIN DISTAnce MASS TIME PROTOns NEUTRons ELECTrons If Some-Reality Cannot-be-controlled-by-Anybody, it is not likely to be Closely-Connected-to-Alienations or Conflicts! [ That Reality can still be the Hidden-Focus of a COOPERATIVE-Collusive-Game-of-Mutual-Self-Deception!] Such games generates alienation! These are NOT-SIMPLE-REALITIES! Simplistic-Idealists generate Many-Tragedies! The next-few-lines are relevant only when you Have-on-Screen a particular ESSAY-TEXT, and are viewing the lines pertaining to similar ESSAY-TEXTS. "Like-Essays" DO-Contain Similar-Clusters of Frequently-Appearing-words. Unlike-Essays DO-NOT contain Such-Similar-Clusters of Frequently-Appearing-Words. Within the-above-context, the word "Similar" means literally "Similar-to-the-Essay-Text which is ABOVE-ON-SCREEN at-the-moment-of clicking-on-a-Hyper-Link". (See the Technical-Foot-Note #2 below for more.)

Technical-Foot-Note #2: The Similarities-Between-Essays are measured in terms of the following RATIO: [The Square-Root of the ( Sum-of-the-Squares of DIFFERENCES-Between Counts-of-Like-Word-Starts in 2 Compared-Essays) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Square-Root of the SUM-OF-SQUARES-OF (Counts-of-Word-Starts in 1st-Essay) ] X [Square-Root of the SUMS-OF-SQUARES-OF (Counts-of-Word-Starts in 2nd-Essay)]

The above is the Normalized-Dot-Product of WordStart-Count-Vectors in the Multi-Dimensional-Vector-Space of Word-Starts. The Normalized-Dot-Product is ZERO - - - if the WordStart-Counts are identical; and is ONE - - - if there are NO common Word-Starts. The above measure works well in any multi-dimensional vector-space, including two-and-three dimensional vector-spaces familiar to many humans.

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