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The following is like what you would see upon using your chosen command with the ESSAYS System downloaded. *********************** TITLES Menu ********************** *%##Author-name ==> Bibliographic references come first.* *%WORD-OF-TITLE ==> Titles of essays. * *Line ends with date-of-writing: 9999yy or yymmdd. * *Highlighted words contain in them the search-word. * * Use keypad-keys to move ESSAY TITLES. * *****> Press Enter for essay at mid-screen arrows. <*** Date essay was written = yymmdd %## Bibliographic entries start as this line does. 999999 %GRADE STUDENT PAPER WORK TEST TEACH EDUCATE+960630 %OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE REFLEXIVE UNBIASED TRUE 960630 %UNCERTAINTY RELATION TEACH STUDENT PROF GRADE 921210 %EXPECT CAUSE EFFECT GRADE STUDENTS INTO FAILURE 860000 %TESTS GRADES VALUES OBJECTIVE 841009 %NEGLECTED TOPICS SCIENCE EDUCATION PROFESSOR GRADE 790826 %GRADE ADDICTION 780424 This is the end of the full report.