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The following is like what you would see upon using your chosen command with the ESSAYS System downloaded. The following is like what you would see upon using your chosen command with the ESSAYS System downloaded. ********************************************************** ** This is the QUICKPAR 2nd Menu Report. ** ********************************************************** %SEEWORDS will let you find titles with keywords below. <********************* WHAT TO DO ***********************> PressArrow Keys to view words listed below, then with words which interest you in view press: Enter to use the SEEWORDS command. Then type a pair of words of your choice. Put " & " between the two words. You must put one blank each side of the & in your typing here. When ready, press Enter again. / to toggle between here and Main Menu. S word Enter to find a word lower in text here. S < Enter to highlight instructions here. Press End for explanation of contents of this menu. <********************************************************> 49 RATE&DISINT 48 TRUST&RISK 48 SCI&TECH 16 ADDICT&DISINT 16 ADDICT&DEAL 15 VULNER&TRUST 15 SELF&HEALTH 15 SELF&CODEPE 15 SECURI&TRUST 14 HONEST&TRUST 14 HONEST&REFLEX 14 HONEST&DESIRE 12 LOVE&VIOLEN 12 LOVE&TRUST 12 LOVE&SEXUAL 11 JOY&DIALOG 11 JOY&ATTITU 11 INTIMA&TRUST 11 INTIMA&KNOW 11 INTEGR&TRUST 11 INTEGR&SPIRIT 11 DEFENS&TRUST 11 DEFENS&FREE 11 CONTRO&RULE TRUST by frequency above here, alphabetically below. 21 DEFENS&SECURE 11 DEFENS&TRUST 13 DEPEND&CHILD 14 HONEST&TRUST 37 HONEST&TRUTH 21 HONEST&VIOLEN 13 INTEGR&TRANSC 16 INTEGR&TRUE 11 INTEGR&TRUST 37 INTIMA&SEXUAL 11 INTIMA&TRUST 14 INTIMA&VULNER 16 LOVE&TECH 31 LOVE&TRUE 12 LOVE&TRUST 14 SECURI&TRUE 15 SECURI&TRUST 23 SELF&ACCEPT 13 TRUE&DESCRI 48 TRUST&RISK 12 TRUTH&RELIGI 63 VULNER&SECURI 17 VULNER&SEXUAL 15 VULNER&TRUST ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: <******************* QUICKPAR Report ********************> Found keywords, if any, are above the double line. Numbers indicate how often the words following each & appear in titles with the four letters before each &. WORDS ON A LINE ARE NOT NECESSARILY RELATED TO EACH OTHER. Words are listed in triplets. Press to see the introduction to this menu. Press / to toggle between here and the Main Menu. Press and arrows to move the above text.