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The following is like what you would see upon using your chosen command with the ESSAYS System downloaded. ********************************************************** ** This is the QUICKPAR 2nd Menu Report. ** ********************************************************** %SEEWORDS will let you find titles with keywords below. <********************* WHAT TO DO ***********************> Press Arrow Keys to view words listed below, then with words which interest you in view press: Enter to use the SEEWORDS command. Then type a pair of words of your choice. Put " & " between the two words. You must put one blank each side of the & in your typing here. When ready, press Enter again. / to toggle between here and Main Menu. S word Enter to find a word lower in text here. S < Enter to highlight instructions here. Press End for explanation of contents of this menu. <********************************************************> 190 INTEGR&PERSON 182 COMMUN&PERSON 180 ADDICT&CODEPE 80 OBJECT&SCI 79 ACCEPT&REJECT 78 PERSON&RELATI 78 PERSON&ELATIO 77 EVIL&ALIENA 76 INTEGR&LOVE 45 CONTRO&MANIPU 44 PERSON&OBJECT 44 OBJECT&SUBJEC 41 LIE&ESTRAN 41 HONEST&PERSON 41 COMMUN&EVIL 38 HONEST&DECEPT 37 VALUE&GOAL 37 SIN&PERSON 33 LOVE&PERSON 33 ELATIO&REFLEX 33 EARN&TEACH 32 CONTRO&SCI 32 CONTRO&PERSON 32 CONTRO&DEPEND 25 RELATI&SEXUAL 25 REJECT&JUDGE 25 PERSON&HEAL 24 PERSON&HEALTH 24 LIE&VIOLEN 24 LIE&GOOD 24 ADDICT&POWER 24 ADDICT&PERSON 24 ADDICT&HEALTH 23 PERSON&EXPERI 23 OBJECT&VALUE 23 MEAN&SIGN 22 SIN&FAIL 22 RATION&OPERAT 22 PERSON&SELF 20 PERSON&REFLEX 20 PERSON&EVIL 20 OUT&THOU 19 RELIGI&SCRIPT 19 REJECT&FEAR 19 PERSON&DISINT 18 REJECT&THREAT 18 RATE&LIBERA 18 PERSON&SCI 18 PERSON&REAL 18 OBJECT&EXCLUS 18 NATION&JUDGE 17 PERSON&IDEAL 17 PERSON&IDEA 17 PERSON&DEAL 17 PERSON&ACCEPT 17 PARADI&FAIL 17 OBJECT&TECH 16 POWER&BALANC 16 PERSON&UNITY 16 PERSON&RELATE 16 PERSON&RATION 16 PERSON&INTIMA 16 PERSON&AGE 15 RATE&SEPARA 15 PERSON&JOY 15 PARADI&TRANSC 14 PERSON&RATE 14 PERSON&MATE 14 PARADI&TECHNO 13 REFLEX&RATE 13 PERSON&WHOLE 13 PERSON&WHO 13 PERSON&VALUE 13 PERSON&TEXT 13 PERSON&OTHER 13 PERSON&HOLE 13 PERSON&DIFFER 13 PERSON&CONFLI 12 POWER&RESPEC 12 POWER&POLITI 12 PERSON&VIOLEN 12 PERSON&SPIRIT 12 PERSON&RESPON 12 PERSON&REJECT 12 PERSON&POWER 12 PERSON&MEAN 12 PERSON&DESCRI 12 PERSON&CONTEX 12 PERSON&BEING 12 PARADI&DIALOG 11 PRESS&LEAD 11 POWER&LEAD 11 PERSON&USE 11 PERSON&SEX 11 PERSON&OPEN 11 PERSON&NEED 11 PERSON&KIND 11 PERSON&CONFOR 11 PERSON&BEHAVI PERSON by frequency above here, alphabetically below. 17 ADDICT&PARADI 12 ADDICT&PARENT 24 ADDICT&PERSON 11 COMMUN&OPERAT 182 COMMUN&PERSON 13 COMMUN&PUNISH 11 CONTRO&PARADI 32 CONTRO&PERSON 40 CONTRO&POWER 41 HONEST&PERSON 11 HONEST&POWER 23 HONEST&PRESS 11 INTEGR&OUR 12 INTEGR&PARADI 190 INTEGR&PERSON 13 LOVE&PARENT 16 LOVE&PEOPLE 33 LOVE&PERSON 15 PARADI&TRANSC 11 PARADI&TRUTH 17 PERSON&ACCEPT 16 PERSON&AGE 11 PERSON&BEHAVI 12 PERSON&BEING 13 PERSON&CONFLI 11 PERSON&CONFOR 12 PERSON&CONTEX 17 PERSON&DEAL 12 PERSON&DESCRI 13 PERSON&DIFFER 19 PERSON&DISINT 78 PERSON&ELATIO 20 PERSON&EVIL 23 PERSON&EXPERI 25 PERSON&HEAL 24 PERSON&HEALTH 13 PERSON&HOLE 17 PERSON&IDEA 17 PERSON&IDEAL 16 PERSON&INTIMA 15 PERSON&JOY 11 PERSON&KIND 14 PERSON&MATE 12 PERSON&MEAN 11 PERSON&NEED 44 PERSON&OBJECT 11 PERSON&OPEN 13 PERSON&OTHER 12 PERSON&POWER 14 PERSON&RATE 16 PERSON&RATION 18 PERSON&REAL 20 PERSON&REFLEX 12 PERSON&REJECT 16 PERSON&RELATE 78 PERSON&RELATI 12 PERSON&RESPON 18 PERSON&SCI 22 PERSON&SELF 11 PERSON&SEX 12 PERSON&SPIRIT 13 PERSON&TEXT 16 PERSON&UNITY 11 PERSON&USE 13 PERSON&VALUE 12 PERSON&VIOLEN 13 PERSON&WHO 13 PERSON&WHOLE 16 POWER&BALANC 37 SIN&PERSON 12 SIN&PRESS 11 SIN&PUNISH ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: <******************* QUICKPAR Report ********************> Found keywords, if any, are above the double line. Numbers indicate how often the words following each & appear in titles with the four letters before each &. WORDS ON A LINE ARE NOT NECESSARILY RELATED TO EACH OTHER. Words are listed in triplets. Press to see the introduction to this menu. Press / to toggle between here and the Main Menu. Press and arrows to move the above text.