If these essays were written in ways which were systematically biased in unfair ways --- it would be possible to describe the nature of the alleged Unfair-Bias and to demonstrate how that Unfair-Bias is made evident in the writing of the essays. What is the description of the Unfair-Bias? Which essays reveal the presense of the described Unfair-Bias during stated time periods? For the most part the essays are presented in sequential date order --- making it easys to identify periods of time when the Unfiar-Bias was most clearly revealed. It is rare that individual people have been named in essays; and then it is usually within the context of being open and honest about which persons did influence the writer within the context of professional interactions. The privacy of influential vulnerable persons has been protected, while acknowledging that such people played non-coercive important-roles in the life of the writer.
The essays are clearly critical of those Personal-and-Communal Behaviors-and-Relationships which entail: dishonesty, pretentions, arrogance, self-righteousness, domination, exclusivity, hubris, power-concentrations, wealth-concentrations, collusive-games-of-mutual-self-deception, winning-at-vulnerable-people's-expense, etc. If being critical of such Behaviors and Relationships is what troubles critics; then what is the description of an Unfair-Bias which is present within the writing of the essays? What essays most clearly reveal the presence of that kind of Unfair-Bias? Are there other essays which unermine such a particular claim of there being such an Unfair-Bias?
These essays were written in the hope of stimulating open and honest dialogue about the realities in the lives of people and their realtionships. The writer hopes to stimulate such Open-and-Honest-Dialogue within which --- the focus will be Clearly-and-Pervasively upon the Contents-of-the-Essays; and upon the Realities-in-People's Lives-and-Relationships --- to which the essays point. Hopefully the essays will help many people to come to Better-and-Clearer-Understandings of the Inter-Relationships between/among those Realities-Within-People's-Lives-and-Relationships --- helping people and their communities enjoy greater levels of integrations-and-integrities.