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There is an significant advantage in the way in which the essays are written in an abstract manner.

When personal statements are made about how any particular person is: domineering, coercive, manipulative, pretentious, arrogant, self- righteous, violent, etc. --- it is very likely that one of the major effects will be the generation of alienation and the augmentation of those characteristics which are described because they do not merit respect, honor or support. The tragic effect may occur even if the particular person is identified only implicitly, tacility, or through paranoia!

Describing the natural consequences of the behaviors of domineering people who are not even implicitly the occasion for the descriptions --- helps make clear those natural consequences --- with far less chance that the offering of the description will be offensive to any particular person(s) presumed to be the occasion for offering the descriptions.

The above way of offering descriptions of the consequences of the behaviors of domineering people --- is by its nature an abstraction --- in that it is not about any particular situation, person, time, place or setting.

People who write novels offer their descriptions by sketching in particular ways --- possibly real stories, events, relationships and people; without necessarily making it obvious that they are hinting at any real people. They offer significant insights via indirect ways which are not abstract. There are significant advantages to how they offer their insights; letting readers make of their writing what they find most meaningful and accessible to them.

The essays offered here may be found to be meaningful and accessible to a contrasting group of people; many of whom may NOT find novels particularly interesting, meaningful and/or accessible to them.

Each kind of person is free to spend their time accessing the forms of writing which they find most interesting, meaningful and accessible to them.

It is domineering people who are most likely to be most critical of the form of writing which most effectively unmasks the natural consequences of their domination --- within the contexts and environments which are closest to and most threatening to the domineering people who most object to the particular form of writing. Take note of which forms of writing particular domineering people most object to; for their objections will be revealing what they most fear and wish to dominate in extreme ways.

The essays are abstract descriptions of reflexive-relationships between/among people; in ways which are similar to how physics texts written in part in the abstract-language-of-mathematics --- are abstract descriptions of the measureable objective-relationships between/among: objects, particles, electrons, protons, neutrons, nuclei, atoms, molecules, crystals, metals, glasses, gasses, fluids, solids, plazmas, photons, electromagnetic-radiations, sound-radiations, phonons, gravitational-radiatons, gravitons, etc.

The essays focus upon the ways in which people's relationships are mediated by their conflcting and/or complementary: values, ideals, principles, hopes, fears, anxieties, etc.

In the absence of any abstract understanding of what are the mediating aspects of people's dysfunctional relationships --- we are not likely to heal those dysfunctional relationships --- as well as we might in the presence of gracious/helpful abstract descriptions of them which are not confrontational in personal ways.