Some people may believe that the essays do not answer the right questions; i.e., are evasive.
Some people may insist that only their kinds of questions be asked and responded to.
Some people may object to some important non-traditional questions being clarified and discussed.
Some people insist on playing collusive games of mutual self deception --- un-exposed.
Some people insist on avoiding the making of any positive affirmations and/or suggestions.
Some people insist on others taking an uncompromizing stand --- and defend it unconditionally.
Some people insist on fighting over their contentions until someone is defeated.
Some people insist on dealing only with questions which can be answered simply YES, or NO.
Some people object to others talking about spectrums of full-spectrums of creative responses.
Some people may want to be in control of other people's attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, and ways of seeing things.
Some people may want their collusive games of mutual self deception to protect them from exposure to the light of day.
Domineering people who are supporting "The Domination System" often object to having unconventional questions asked and/or discussed.