The essays often address complex situations in highly abstract ways. Why not address the complex situations in very simple and concrete ways?
It does little good to pretend that the complex webs/games of mutual self-deception of: alcoholics, addicts, supportive-codependents, colluders and domineering supporters of domination systems --- are simple and easy to understand. We cannot understand them in terms of only isolated concrete examples ---which are separated from the web of dishonest support systems which seek to conceal what is happening.
Complex relationships cannot be described helpfully with only simple statements. Simplicity is helpful in many situations and it is admirable when it is helpful. It is not helpful to demand that ALL responses to complexity be simple and concrete. That is NOT to say that simple people do not or cannot make very important contributions. It is to say that there are times when sophisticated people can also make very important contributions by offering descriptions which reveal the structures of complex situations and relationships. Some realities and relationships transcend all human efforts to eliminate and/or change them!