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The essays rarely address current controversial issues head on; e.g., abortion, homosexuality, political corruption, political candidates, religion in schools and public places, evolution, creationism, tax policies, wars, terrorism, hurricanes, murders, pornography, sex-scandles, proper Biblical-Interpretations, Works-of-The-Devil, etc.

Instead, essays seek to clarify meta-conflicts between high-ranking-values-and-ideals --- which are echoed in the conflicts between persons and groups. The latter conflicts are not likely to be resolved in the absence of efforts to resolve the meta-conflicts between high-ranking-values-and-ideals. Tragic-violent-conflicts often are rooted in unexamined and unresolved meta-conflicts between high-ranking-values-and-ideals.

People who are alienated from each other within the framework of having taken opposite sides in dichotomized/polarized conflicts which are covered in the daily news --- are not in the mood to give much attention to the meta-conflicts between high-ranking-values-and-ideals. Those are "too academic" and "too abstract" to merit attention in the evening news which can handle only 8 to 15 second sound-bytes.

The effort here is to get below the surface-issues which are reduced to 8 to 15 second sound-bytes. This system of essays is clearly not for people who are quite content to deal only with 8 to 15 second sound-bytes. The essays attempt to clarify far more complicated conflicts between and among many important-and-mutually-complementary: values, ideals, principles, special-interest-groups, power-concentrations, and wealth-concentrations; in relation to personal-and-communal integrations-and-integrities --- in the Absence-of-Shalom. Who will, as Biblical-Prophets-Did, Speak-Truth-To-Fallen-Powers that are Playing-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception?