blog traffic analysis

By Year

This page, By Year, will eventually give you you a means by which to enter the linked-string of all texts of about 7,000 essays in the ESSAYS System --- entering the string at the first-essay-of-each-month; viewing that essay's-text.

(These features will emerge beginning in mid-January of 2005 and through the spring of 2005. There is much work to fulfill this vision. Please be patient and check back periodically!)

Once entered into that linked-string of individual essay-texts, while you are viewing each-text-of-each-essay, you will be able to move backward-and-forward through the sequence-of-all-essays, one-essay-at-a-time; viewing each essay's-text. It will be sort of like viewing the pages of a book, one-essay-per-page.

The web-page By Year will offer you a way to move backward-and-forward through the sequence-of-all-essays, one-year-at-a-time; to via the first-essays-of-each-year; viewing each such essay's text, and there being able to move back-and-forth essay-by-essay through the whole sequentially-linked-set.

The web-page By Month which will offer you a way to move backward-and-forward through the sequence-of-all-essays, one-month-at-a-time; to via the first-essays-of-each-month; viewing each such essay's text, and then being able to move back-and-forth essay-by-essay through the whole sequentially-linked-set.

There is another web page By Word, which will eventually offer you the opportunity to call to screen many of the essays available within the ESSAYS System. You will be able to select essays in terms of one or more of the words often contained in the essay texts and lines of KEYWORDS which preceed each essay text on its web-page.

When this web-page is functional, there will be a pattern of click-able links arranged as below. Clicking on a year will then transfer you to viewing the first essay written in that year. Within each page there will be further clickable-links to choose from; offering a rather comprehensive web throughout the Essays System at
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Other forthcoming-features are previewed at the following web-pages:

 By Month     By Year     By Word     By Keys     HOME PAGE