Hyperlink => "Amish reaction raises question of collective convictions" <= Hyperlink
About Contrasting Amish forgiveness-reconciliation-healing after girls were killed in an Amish school.
The hyperlink line was the headline all across the top of page C2 of The Coloradoan, a morning-newspaper in Fort Collins, Colorado, on October 22, 2006; for an article by Natalie Costanza-Chaves, gratefully available via the hyperlink line above.As you read the article above, ask yourself what honorable traditional American: values, ideals, principles, and practices --- make it so difficult for Americans to be as forgiving as the Amish have been. Is it because of of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, "The Prince of Peace"? Is it because of how discredited Martin Luther King's leadership has been in American History? Or is it because the American Government has identified Jesus, Gahndi and M.L. King as "enemy combattants"?
If the above make little-sense, what combination
of some alternative-hypothesises will make-sense?
Be in open and honest dialogue about these questions!One early naration about the tragic events refered to above
(Look for "Amish school shooting" on October 2, almost the last story seen on Oct. 22nd)You can use google.com to do your own search for key words in the headline above.
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