This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %LET GO ALLOW PERMIT RELEASE COLLUSIVE GAME MUTUAL+981112 %SELF OTHER DECEPTION OBLIGED REQUIRED COMMANDED+981112 %IMPRISON COERCE CONSTRAIN CONTROL ISSUE DISCIPLINE 981112 Participants in collusive games of mutual self deception cannot let-go, release, permit, and allow each other to be true to self and others in open and honest dialogue regarding what matters most. They must be dishonest, deceptive, mis-leading and so be tragic leaders --- to be faithful to their collusion. It is their duty to protect the "integrity" of their respected collusive games of mutual self deception. Their appearances are paramount, primary, and of-ultimate- importance. They cannot ever truly relax and be at-ease and free of dis-ease. Participants in collusive games of mutual self deception are trapped within paradigms in which dishonesty is essential and personal/communal integrity is disposable. They cannot conceive of the possibility of personal/communal integrity being respectable and so they cannot let-go of their preoccupations with issues of control. They cannot allow each other to be creatively different, spontaneous, authentically unique, and to reveal the truths which they receive through surprising insights. They cannot release each other from their self-imposed imprisonments. They cannot permit ancient traditions to be transcended. They fear the shaking of the foundations of their collusive truths. They transform the messages of the great prophets to make them acceptable, bland, popular, respectable and profitable. Then the wonder why everybody is so indifferent to the idols which they have created and which they worship as the keys to the kingdom which has no locked doors. Participants in collusive games of mutual self deception --- who become aware of what they have been participating in --- need to take great care in order to survive their new awareness with integrity; for their renewing awareness is a great threat to the other participants who remain faithful. The newly aware people need to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves in revealing their new awareness --- so as not to put continuing participants on the defensive and offensive in response to the revelations of renewal through being true to themselves and others in Love. Real honesty continues to be taboo to continuing faithful participants in collusive games of mutual self deception. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================