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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %GOAL BEHAVIORS BELIEF EMOTION ACHIEVEMENT PROCESS 971220 "Achievers" focus primarily upon end-point-goals such as desired/prescribed: products, objects, objectives, behaviors, beliefs, confessions, emotions and achievements. The end-products are the achiever's concerns. "Achievers" want to know when they are done, when they have gotten to the final end-point-goal. "Achievers" want to know that they HAVE succeeded in achieving the chosen goal, so that they can stop and be proud of their success. "Intimate" people enjoy being involved in open and honest personal relationships; within the healthy processes of living cooperatively. "Intimate" people are much less concerned with the end-point-goals of life --- than with the qualities of the inter-personal relationships which they participate in during the cooperative processes of life. The processes of inter- personal relationships is what is of interest to intimate people. "Intimate" people want to know each other as they cooperate in the processes of life, and so they seek to participate in those processes of life which facilitate getting to honestly know each other --- regardless of the destinations chosen and passed through on the journey. "Achievers" see no point in being preoccupied with the details of the process of getting to final goals, because the choice of the way to get to the goal is just a technical matter. Ways are to be chosen in terms of technical considerations such as efficiency --- which entails the minimization of effort, personnel, resources- used and time. "Achievers" seek well-defined-goals and effective management, control and discipline --- so chosen as to assure the achievement of the goals efficiently. Ambiguous and uncertain goals frustrate "achievers" game- plans. "Intimate" people see no sense in setting certain goals and choosing technical procedures for achieving certain goals --- when doing so leads to: alienation, misunderstanding, confusion, antipathy, resentment, anger, endless conflicts and violence among the people of the involved communities. Preoccupations with certain goals and achievements which undermine both personal and communal integrity make no sense to intimate people. Disintegrative processes make it impossible to achieve any goals which are set; and make it impossible to enjoy any achievements. Only people who are playing collusive games of mutual self-deception with each other can respect and support disintegrative processes. Dishonest/alienative processes do not lead to the enjoyment of the achievement of chosen goals. Honesty about the nature of the processes of choosing and seeking to achieve goals is essential to the enjoyment of success. "Achievers" may admire some intimate people and some of their personal relationships --- and try to define certain intermediate goals which they see as essential to the achievement of such intimacy and relationships. They have visions of using admired role models for generating technical specifications regarding goals, and devising techniques for achieving goals. Their visions lead/seduce them to become involved in alienative processes of prescribing and proscribing technical procedures for trying to fulfill their visions. In their efforts to fulfill their visions --- they seek to take control of the processes of life to assure the efficient achievement of the intermediate goals in the process of getting to their ultimate goal. They are not concerned with whether or not the people who are involved in the processes are enjoying being open and honest in intimate relationships with each other. Those aspects of the process are in their view irrelevant. For "achievers" to enjoy any kind of success they must learn how to share with "intimate" people their person-oriented interest in enjoying involvements in cooperative processes and humane relationships. In the absence of such balance "achievers" will be frustrated during all of their short lives. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================