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This-essay is a9702122.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %SPIRITUAL PHYSICAL REFLEXIVE OBJECTIVE CONTRASTS+970212 %CONFLICT RESOLUTION INTEGRATION PARADOXES TRUTHS 970212 Some people set up contrasts/dichotomies between the physical and spiritual---and postulate the existence of a parallel to the physical world, a world which is spiritual. Some people are led to pretend that they have been in communion with that spiritual world; not to be an honest witness to any real personal experience. Their witness is not authentic because they are not being true to themselves and others about their own unique personal integrity and experiences. Some people set up contrasts/dichotomies between the objective and subjective worlds---and regard the subjective world as an inferior world because there cannot be universal agreement upon, or consensus regarding, the realities in the subjective worlds. "Subjective" to many people is a pejorative word---as is "objective" to other contrasting people. Perhaps we fall into the trap of trying to draw lines which are presumed to be sharper than they can be in any meaningful way. Perhaps we try to set up contrasts to divide us; rather than comparisons to help us understand each other. Perhaps there are comparisons which are more helpful than physical/spiritual, objective/subjective, etc. In comparison to objective realities, (those which we sense directly with our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin) there are reflexive realities which reflect back upon our being who we are by how we relate to others in personal relationships which create us and re-create us. Some people pretend that there are no reflexive realities and do not reflect upon who they are in relationship to members of their families, religious groups, schools, businesses, political parties, cities, states and nations. In ignorance they ignore how they are personally related to other people, and deny the reality of the reflexive personal relationships in which they participate; pretending that those personal relationships are not real, important or worthy of attention and articulation. We can witness to our reflexive relationships and to our reflections upon our reflexive relationships --- by being true to ourselves and each other with personal integrity. Such realities are not part of some mysterious parallel reality which is beyond our experience, and about which we must be pretentious in conformal rituals which leave us cold. We just need to stop pretending that we have to be objective at all times and in all situations, in order that we may be true to ourselves and each other about what our experiences tell us about ourselves, each other, and the cosmos. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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