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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %PARTICIPATE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION MEANING KNOWLEDGE 950530 For knowledge to be acquired and kept in a meaningful way a student must participate in the construction within self of the meaningful presence of the knowledge. It is not helpful to education for teachers or professors to view humans as containers of knowledge. In education knowledge is not like the linear (parallel or serial) streams of bits of information which flow from one computer into another computer or medium of storage of such linear information streams. The word "education" comes from the word "educe" under the conviction that there is a sense in which each student already "knows" much---but needs help in recognizing and structuring that which is already known--- so that the knowledge will be meaningful conceived within the being of the student, and so be remembered and used in a meaningful way in future occasions of perceived relevance. Meaningful knowledge cannot be put into a student by a superior previous human or inhuman container of the knowledge. Knowledge is not information which can be stored in various places; e.g., professors, lecturers, writers, books, readers and students. Thus education is not something which can be done to a student by an educator. Education is a process in which people participate as they construct and re-construct various forms of knowledge and knowing through open and honest dialogue about their experiences and reflections upon their remembered experiences and articulations thereof. Education does not meaningfully take place if: (1) Open and honest dialogue is absent. (2) People are not true to self and others about their own experiences. (3) The remembrance of past experiences is blocked. (4) Students are not able and enabled to participate in the construction and re-construction of knowledge in ways which are meaningful to them. (5) The personal relationships between students, teachers, professors, and administrators are characterized by dishonesty, alienation, distrust, excommunication, indifference, disrespect, abuse, manipulations, etc. (6) The possible relevance of re-constructed knowledge to the future life of the students is ignored, denied or regarded as of little importance. (7) A significant fraction of the participants in an educational context are unaware of these pre-requisites to meaningful education, or deny their importance in any way. Such lack of awareness and/or denials undermine the possibilities of students participating meaningfully in the construction and re-construction of knowledge for future prudent use. ==========================================================