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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DETERMINE TRUE GOD GIVEN SELF OTHER IDENTITY LOVE+950512 %DISCOVER FIND DECIDE INTEGRITY GENETIC NATURE+950512 %HONEST REPORT FEEL DESIRE ATTITUDE EMOTION FEAR+950512 %CONCEPTION UNIVERSE COSMOS INTEGRITY CREATION SIN 950512 It is not a simple thing to determine what one's own God-given identity is. We may try determine through will-power to be other than we truly are---and find that will-power does not have the power to change our God-given identity. We may try to determine through our own will-power to make other persons be other than who they truly are---and find that it is not within our power to determine who somebody else will truly be. Sometimes determination has to do with discovering what God's will is, rather than having to do with deciding how parts of God's Universe will be and behave. Often determination has to do with reflexive realities; rather than with objective realities. We may determine how high above sea level the top of a tall mountain is---and properly regard such a determination as an objective discovery. We cannot honestly discover our God-given identity---and then properly regard such a determination as an objective discovery. We cannot properly determine another person's God- given identity---and them properly regard such a determination as an objective discovery. No matter how such a determination is made; it is a reflexive reality, not an objective reality. The determination reflects back upon us---and we cannot honestly be detached from the determination, because we were intimately involved in the determination. It is not always clear just how much of what and who we are is determined by our God-given identity---and how much is determined by will-power, decisions, actions, intentions, and relationships on our part and upon the part of others. The proper determination of our most integrative response to that question is a reflexive reality---because our response reflects back upon our selves. Such a determination is thus not a purely objective reality. Some determined people are determined to make other people be the kinds of people that the determined people are determined to require other people to be. Such determined people are usually domineering, coercive, manipulative, violent, alienative, excommunicative and disintegrative. Is their nature God-given and unchangeable? Does God have the power to liberate such determined people to be other than they have been? Do such determine people have the power to be other than God would have them be? There are no purely objective answers to such questions; no matter how determined we may be to determine what such answers are---through collusive games of mutual self deception about which we generate virtually 100 percent agreement. All collusive games of mutual self deception are reflexive realities--- especially when such games conceal themselves from ourselves---and we pretend that the collusive games of mutual self deception do not exist. Is it our God-given nature to play collusive games of mutual self deception? What kind of God have we conceived if we believe it is our God-given nature to play collusive games of mutual self deception? What kind of universe has God created if we who are creatures within the universe believe that it is our God-given nature to play collusive games of mutual self deception? Can we within such a universe hope to enjoy personal and communal integrity? Can we determine through will power the nature of our intimate relationships with each other? Can we through determination decide which people we will find attractive and which people we fill find aversive? Can we through determination be true to ourselves and each other? What then can be the grounds for our hope for personal and communal integrity---if we are so determined? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================