This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ABUSE ACTIVE PASSIVE TREAT ANALYZE PART END I-THOU+930319 %GODS PLACES CONTEXT CONFLICT RESOLVE HUMAN LIMIT 930319 In early human history people tended to conceive gods who had power within limited ranges of space, time, and contexts. In the course of human history the range of the powers of humanly conceived gods expanded and eventually various forms of mono-theism and ways of life have evolved in which transcendent gods and their powers are conceived as not being as localized as once was the case. Finite humans find it difficult to accept the realities of human finitude and human limitations. Some people like to think that they are in some way connected to transcendent sources of knowledge, power and being that inform, empower, and infuse them in ways which enable them to transcend their merely human limitations. Addictive people like to believe that their gods will serve them well in their conflicts with mere mortals; and they view their gods as superior means to achieving their own desires for understanding, prediction, control, achievement, and acceptability. Few people like to reflect honestly and openly upon the implications of believing that they and others like them might be calling upon superior gods, beings, powers to heighten the level of human conflicts by bringing into the conflicts on opposing sides far greater power to manipulate and control than mere humans have. To carry the logic even further the gods upon whom mere humans call might in turn call upon higher levels of being in the name of supporting the battles between unresolved human conflicting ideals and value. It may help to reflect openly and honestly upon the possible ranges of powers of the gods upon humans may call. Are all of their powers limited to the volume of space inside and near the surface of planet Earth? Perhaps some of the gods have powers which extend to the other planets in our solar system. Perhaps some of the gods only have power near the surface of planet Earth, and others of the gods have powers which extend throughout the solar system. Astronomers are very much aware not only of the volume of space within which the sun and planets exist; but also are very much aware of unimaginably larger volumes of space within which hundreds of billions of other suns with possibly associated planetary systems exist. Do such other planetary systems have their own collections of gods; or do all gods distribute their interests, concerns, support and attention over the many possible planetary system with their central stars? Do the gods communicate throughout these interstellar distances at speeds which exceed the speed of light? Can they influence intelligent beings on far distant planets at the same time that they influence humans on planet earth? Do our actions here on earth influence the very being of the gods upon which we call in some way which might cause the gods to in turn influence the intelligent beings on distant planets within less time than it would take for light to travel from here to there? Are there gods whose interests, influence, power and relationships are limited just to our Milky Way Galaxy; but not to the hundreds of billions of other galaxies, each with their many billions of stars and possible planetary systems? Or, do all the gods have powers, interests and attention which extends over all galaxies throughout the whole of the universe? Or, do some gods have transcendent powers, some powers limited to particular galaxies, some powers limited to particular planetary systems, and some powers limited to particular planets? When we call upon our particular gods to empower us in prevailing against our enemies in our unresolved conflicts, how high up the ladder of gods can we reach in calling godly powers to bear upon our enemies so that we may have help in destroying our enemies? How transcendent can we make our unresolved human conflicts? Can we lead the transcendent gods into transcendent divine conflicts which originate in human ignorance, misunderstanding, and preoccupations with control? How well can we do in getting our gods involved in helping us win the conflicts into which our disintegrative ideals and values lead us? Perhaps there is only one God with powers which transcend our conceptions of time, space, objects, beings, conflicts, ideals, values, virtues, etc? Perhaps our conceptions of our relationship with God are collusive, addictive and codependent. Perhaps we need to reflect upon how unhealthy many of our religious beliefs, convictions, rituals, prayers, and institutions have been up to our point in time and place. Perhaps God transcends our conceptions of good and evil even more than astronomers' conceptions of time, space and matter transcend the conceptions of most humans who never give any thought to the time, space and matters of their immediate human existence. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================