This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SICK MIND GREAT MIS-LEADER ADDICTIVE POWER TRUTH 920808 If we do not know how to recognize when our great leaders are sick in mind and heart; we are likely to admire and respect them when they mislead our ways of thinking and feeling. They may get us to join in their paranoid, collusive, addictive and codependent ways of appearing to be persons of integrity; when in fact they are sick and disintegrating. Great leaders do not encourage their followers to be suspicious of each other; but rather help their followers to cooperate in creating secure contexts where it is safe to be vulnerable and cooperative. Great leaders promote honest conflict resolution where opponents create new and wonderful ways for all participants in conflicts to win advantages and become close friends. Great leaders do not lead their followers into war, defensive manipulations, or dishonest ways of life. Great leaders promote open and honest dialogue among people who are suspicious of each other. Sick leaders encourage their followers to think and feel in terms of dichotomous language, concepts and groups. Sick leaders cannot think in terms more complicated than either/or. Sick leaders think there can be only two sides to every conflict; there can be no other perspective which merits our respect than our side of the conflict. Great leaders recognize that conflicts often originate in dichotomous language, concepts and groups; and seek to lead their followers to transcend dichotomous language, concepts and groups. Great leaders seek to resolve conflicts among conflicting ideals and values, as one of the key ways to resolve conflicts among people who embody conflicting ideals and values. See the previous essay. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================