This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %HEALTH PUBLIC IMAGE RESPECT ACCEPT LOVE AFFIRM 910701 It is frustrating for people to try to conform to public images of respectable love, within a society which believes that it is improper to have clear public images of what healthy love leads to. In the absence of clear known role models, descriptions, pictures, demonstrations, and other forms of images of healthy love; it is frustrating to try to invent healthy love relationships which conform to images of healthy love relationships. This is particularly the case when mistakes are commonly caused to become the occasions for embarrassment, guilt and shame; for then people try to be impossibly perfect. It is very frustrating to try to be impossibly perfect in trying to conform to intentionally vague and confused images of what perfect love is. Perfectionists in a community which is dedicated to keeping vague and imperfect images of healthy love, are in for troubled times. Compliant conformists trying to conform in a society which makes clear images of healthy love to be taboo, are bound to become frustrated conformists who are prone to express their frustration in violent thoughts, desires and actions. All of this is complicated further when the community tolerates dishonest images of unhealthy love relationships, more readily than it tolerate honest images of healthy love relationships. Addictive and codependent communities tolerate dishonest images of unhealthy love relationships, more than they tolerate honest images of healthy love relationships--- because images of healthy love relationships are bound to undermine their dishonest collusive games of mutual self deception. Healthy love does not show respect for deception, dishonesty and disintegration. Thus, addictive and codependent collusions cannot tolerate clear images of healthy love; because such clear images are a threat to the hidden powers of addictive and codependent collusions. To survive, such powers must be kept hidden, secret, and must be disguised by participants in addictive and codependent collusive games of mutual self deception. Clear images of healthy love might be offered through examples in drama, dance, movies, photography, song, novels; and through public role models in family, school, church, work, business and political live. Such images need to be openly and honestly discussed, in order that they may be clarified and so help lead young people into healthy love. Yet, collusions are bound to undermine the presentation and discussion of such clear images; in order that the collusions with their dishonest addictions and codependencies may survive in their disintegrative ways. It is frustrating for people to try to conform to healthy public images of healthy love within a society which believes that it is improper to have clear public images of what healthy love leads to. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================