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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %OPEN HONEST EFFECTIVE AFFECTION ESCAPE COLLUSION 900503 Open and honest affection play a key role in the transcendence of the power of collusive taboos. Lectures, declarations and readings are ineffective in the absence of effective demonstrations of acceptance and love upon occasions of personal revelation of lack of respect for collusive taboos. Only within the affective support of an integrative social context are the prisoners of disintegrative taboos really set free. Rebellion is ineffective. Lectures are inadequate. Verbal statements in the absence of affective support are ineffective. Affectively honest demonstrations of true freedom from the power of disintegrative taboos are effective in offering true freedom from the dishonest taboos of others. To be effective the gift of freedom must be accepted; freedom cannot be unilaterally given in an effective way. True freedom must be affectively offered and affectively accepted to be effective. Transcendence of disintegrative taboos occurs within contexts which provide a basis for focusing attention upon interests other than the taboos. Disintegrative taboos are not transcended by focusing new kinds of attention upon in them in efforts to stop being preoccupied with them. Changing the nature of the preoccupation with disintegrative taboos does not lead to the transcendence of the taboos. Transcendence comes with the shifting of attention to more integrative matters within a coherent context which provides an affective basis for affirming the greater importance of the new foci of attention as part of healthy living. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================