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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %FREEDOM TO DISCOVER EDUCATE INTEGRATE BEING SELF 880927 For a community to enjoy personal and communal integrity its members need to be given the freedom to discover their own unique potentials. The integrity of a community and its members does not reside in the conformity of the individuals to any ideal form, but rather in the growth of each individual with integrity in keeping with individual's unique identity discovered in an honest community with security and vulnerability. Jack cannot be honest with himself and others if he is not free to discover his own unique potentials for original thoughts, integrative insights, feelings, and emotions. If Jack's community demands collusive expressions of conformity to conventional expectations, then Jack cannot be honest with himself and others. In a collusive, addictive society supported by the good works of codependents Jack is trapped in dishonest conventional patterns of behavior and expression. In such a community authentic conversation, conversion, learning, cooperation and integration is impossible. In a collusive society it is taboo to believe in the reality of unique integrative personal beings who can be discovered through open and honest expressions of being authentic. Such a belief will undermine the pseudo coherence of the collusion, and will undermine the credibility of the perspectives of the addicts and their codependents. Such a belief must be replaced with a belief in the ideal form of the ideal person, and there must be high quality schooling to conform individuals to that ideal form. Schools are to be means of control to insure that students conform to the ideal form. Families are means of control to insure that children grow up as well adjusted students in ideal schools. Churches are means of control of spiritual perceptions to insure that members of the community fulfill the ideal form of the ideal spiritual being. Everything will be ideal in the end, except for those who failed to help bring in the ideal age; they will be in hell. The idealists will all be in the ideal heaven alienated from those they put in hell. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================